Did not run, tried everthing...
Closed this issue · 4 comments
Hello, I liked your solution very much. It mixes state of the art tech and is very valuable.
But I can't make it run though. I follow your steps and all run properly.
The problem is the wwwroot never gets the bundle, it stays in .dist
Which makes me think, is there a step to copy the bundle from .dist to wwwroot that I don't know about?
Thanks in advance for your help and again, great repo...
Hey mdelgadov,
the wwwroot.folder contains the development files. So if you press the "Play" button in Visual Studio it should run in your browser. The gulp-tasks are only for distributing.
So if you run these tasks the ".dist"-Folder will be created and in there you will find your files to deliver to the customer etc.
Does this make the thing clear to you?
Best regards
Thanks for your response, I get amazed by your repo more and more... if only it worked... not your fault... I'm missing something, don't know what...
This is the state:
I cloned,
I npm installed
I do dnx web
All the info messages show.
As you can see, the app.bundle doesn't show, now, the dist/app.bundle is usually created by gulp (usually, and you do that for other folders, the dist you mention)
I also compiled and ran the dist versions and they call properly but without the servers they show just the search sections on the left.
Which makes me wonder, how do I run the signal r projects? I tried to run them from the solution properties but didn't help:
of course, this answered:
Finally I ran all the gulp tasks and non created the bundle, my next step will be to create my own gulp task to create the bundle... not a big deal, but without the signal r server running, I don't know if this going to go any further...
I appreciate any pointer you may have, thanks again.
Ah now I see.
Well, the solution is not meant to be started via the "play" button in Visual Studio (VS). Its more like: Build the web-app via gulp, start the web server and start the generated web app. I did not make that clearly in the readme.md. I'm sorry.
As I moved to webpack I kind of lost the ability in VS to press "Play" and let it run.
You have two possibilities here:
If you want to press "Play" in VS you have to configure webpack to move the files to the desired place. So you can change this line (11) filename: "[name].bundle.js"
to this line filename: "./wwwroot/dist/[name].bundle.js"
which will cause webpack to build at the place where asp.net is looking for it. Copy the jquery file manually too to have that functionality.
The second option is to: Build the webapp via gulp, start the server via dnx web
, start the webapp via doubleclicking the index.html and it should run. But not out of VS so far.
I am trying to find a cool solution to this. Perhaps I will introduce a webpack.dev.config for making it starting out of VS and a webpack.prod.config which deploys to the dist-folder.
The SignalR-Projects are not meant to be run. They are only for having the latest Signalr3-things because there were problems including them via nuget. They are just for having the code and consuming it.
I hope this is helping you.
Best regards
Thanks Fabian, really helped me... closing this now...