
Commit abd5498 causes mixin injection failure in prod with some mixins

Justsnoopy30 opened this issue · 13 comments

After this commit abd5498, some mixins such as the below mixin fail to inject outside of a dev environment. This MCE update was included in loom 0.7.28 and is now breaking mods with certain mixins using loom 0.7.


    @Inject(method = "Lnet/minecraft/client/render/WorldRenderer;renderSky(Lnet/minecraft/client/util/math/MatrixStack;F)V", at = @At(value = "INVOKE", target = "Lnet/minecraft/client/world/ClientWorld;getSkyAngle(F)F"),
        slice = @Slice(from = @At(value = "FIELD", target = "Lnet/minecraft/client/util/math/Vector3f;POSITIVE_Y:Lnet/minecraft/client/util/math/Vector3f;")))
    private void iris$renderSky$tiltSun(MatrixStack matrices, float tickDelta, CallbackInfo callback) {

Crash Report:

The mixin injects successfully on the previous loom version 0.7.27 with MCE 0.4.1.

Please provide the refmaps for old+new



(attached as .json.txt cause github doesn't support .json)

Uhh, I will revert this for now

The change has been reverted in loom.

Should I close this issue or leave it open (as the change is still in this repo)?

I think I have a proper fix, checking atm

#10 should fix it

It is merged now, please close after confirming.

Loom 0.7.29 works fine, loom 0.7.30 has the same issue. Tested with this mixin:

        method = "fall",
        at = @At(value = "FIELD", opcode = Opcodes.GETFIELD, target = "Lnet/minecraft/entity/LivingEntity;fallDistance:F", ordinal = 0),
        cancellable = true
    private void onFall(double fallY, boolean onGround, BlockState floorBlock, BlockPos floorPos, CallbackInfo info) {


This is a different issue, since it's a field access using a subclass owner with the mappings only translating Entity.fallDistance, not EntityLiving.fallDistance.

Not sure why/if this ever worked since it's what the commented out code in MixinMappingProviderTiny.getFieldMapping would have to deal with.

I think Mixin disables its super lookup fallback path with the compile ext change yielding a partial result (treating it as if the field name was not obfuscated, but the owner is)

Please try #11 - Requiem doesn't build as it is in the repo.

Build 0.4.4 is about to release, you can quite easily evaluate it by employing this trick: FabricMC/fabric@33dd200