
Add DarkTitleBar

xleb-normal opened this issue · 3 comments

CurseForge link


CurseForge Mod Distribution


Modrinth link


Source/other link


Mod file size

19.8 KiB


(any other license)

What it does

A very simple minecraft mod to add a dark-mode title bar on Windows 10 1809 and above. (only if your system is in dark mode)

Why should it be in the modpack

I have a dark version of Windows and all windows are dark except minecraft, it would be nice if it had a dark window too

Why shouldn't it be in the modpack

It is useless on Linux and MacOS, but it does not interfere with anything

Additional details

I like this mod, please add it

Personally against it, it's such a minor thing that i don't think it's worth the additional time spent maintenance-wise

Obv you can add it manually and it will work just fine

nice thing, but quite niche
probably better to stay user-added
could be posted in the discord in mod-sharing tho

As mentioned, it is very niche. Rejected.