
timetable intersections wont show

ckanitz opened this issue · 4 comments

with the missing edit options it's impossible to manage intersections also the intersection will not show up

for example there're two tutoriums of two student groups and one of them intersects with an FWP i want to join the lesson of group B and tutorium of A i'm forced to download all entries of the timetable of A and B and my FWP entry got lost

Is this feature necessary? I don't know, if that use case make sense due to the fact, that you only can visit one (not two) lesson at the same time.

yes it is. At first: the main problem is, that the download of another timetable overwrites the existing ones. Also let's say you repeat Analysis and wan't to take as many lectures as possible but one date intersects with another lecture you take this other lecture primary on this day. But if the other lecture is canceled on one day I may wan't to join the extra Analysis lesson. This example works for extra practical lessons as well.

Ok, I will have a look at the realization of this new feature.

I've got the same problem, thanks @ckanitz