Paginate task listing
Opened this issue · 4 comments
Task listing should take limit and greater-than some-id constraints.
Do you also want a next command? Maintaining the state between requests might not be desirable though.
Naw, I think it's fine to drop some ops. Best-estimate instead of correctness is critical for this performing well, haha. Traversing backwards in time should be relatively stable anyway.
So each pagination request is separate with no shared state? Do we want a less than id param if we're traversing backwards?
Yeah, I'd say less than and greater-than are reasonable. There's probably an extended discussion to happen around the sort-merge equi-join and how much estimation is acceptable. My guess is it's probably ideal to estimate a range based on density then return every result with an ID between a lower and upper ID bound, rather than doing a hard-limit and throwing away a bunch of IDs.