
Can't scan private Helm registries and it completely fails

carlosjgp opened this issue · 6 comments

What happened?

I scan a cluster with Helm charts hosted on a private repository and not published in ArtifactHub.

Nova shows an error and reports nothing

helm list --all-namespaces
NAME                                          	NAMESPACE                	REVISION	UPDATED                                	STATUS  	CHART                                	APP VERSION
alertmanager                                  	alertmanager             	7       	2023-04-05 13:56:46.280797505 +0000 UTC	deployed	prometheus-alertmanager-1.26.2       	v0.25.0    
aws-ebs-csi-driver                            	kube-system              	1       	2023-03-20 16:37:37.770404253 +0000 UTC	deployed	aws-ebs-csi-driver-2.13.0            	1.13.0     
blackbox-exporter                             	observability            	52      	2023-05-03 15:19:42.78077426 +0000 UTC 	deployed	prometheus-blackbox-exporter-7.0.0   	0.22.0     
cert-manager                                  	cert-manager             	5       	2022-12-23 09:56:50.204158728 +0000 UTC	deployed	cert-manager-v1.10.1                 	v1.10.1    
cluster-autoscaler                            	kube-system              	4       	2022-08-18 16:10:24.075836673 +0000 UTC	deployed	cluster-autoscaler-9.19.3            	1.23.0     
external-secrets-operator                     	external-secrets-operator	2       	2023-03-08 17:31:27.860405555 +0000 UTC	deployed	external-secrets-0.7.2               	v0.7.2     
grafana                                       	grafana                  	451     	2023-04-11 08:36:21.117930078 +0000 UTC	deployed	grafana-6.50.2                       	9.3.1      
grafana-agent                                 	observability            	16      	2023-04-13 15:00:57.071869259 +0000 UTC	deployed	grafana-agent-1.10.1                 	v0.32.1    
grafana-mixin                                 	grafana                  	1       	2023-04-06 16:30:50.012089685 +0000 UTC	deployed	grafana-mixin-1.2.0                  	9.0.0      
loki                                          	loki                     	56      	2023-03-20 16:34:45.279194945 +0000 UTC	deployed	loki-distributed-0.67.1              	2.6.1      
loki-mixin                                    	loki                     	6       	2023-04-06 16:30:56.009354404 +0000 UTC	deployed	loki-mixin-1.4.0                     	2.7.0      
metrics-server                                	kube-system              	2       	2022-08-16 15:59:08.367202395 +0000 UTC	deployed	metrics-server-6.0.12                	0.6.1      
mimir                                         	mimir                    	78      	2023-04-04 09:52:13.055540826 +0000 UTC	deployed	mimir-distributed-4.0.0+2            	2.5.0      
mimir-consul                                  	mimir                    	1       	2022-10-20 09:14:12.093974405 +0000 UTC	deployed	consul-10.9.2                        	1.13.2     
mimir-mixin                                   	mimir                    	4       	2023-04-06 16:31:04.910019355 +0000 UTC	deployed	mimir-mixin-1.4.0                    	2.0.0      
nginx-ingress                                 	ingress                  	11      	2023-04-19 14:11:00.752305343 +0000 UTC	deployed	ingress-nginx-4.6.0                  	1.7.0      
opentelemetry-receiver                        	opentelemetry-receive    	1       	2023-04-06 18:04:38.414753472 +0000 UTC	deployed	opentelemetry-collector-0.31.1       	0.60.0     
prometheus-adapter                            	observability            	9       	2023-01-18 16:36:00.45799803 +0000 UTC 	deployed	prometheus-adapter-4.0.1             	v0.10.0    
prometheus-operator                           	observability            	22      	2023-04-13 15:01:22.674290248 +0000 UTC	deployed	kube-prometheus-stack-44.2.1         	v0.62.0    
prometheus-pushgateway                        	observability            	1       	2023-04-25 12:32:42.515184887 +0000 UTC	deployed	prometheus-pushgateway-2.1.3         	v1.5.1     
rds-db-provisioning                           	db-provisioning          	2       	2023-03-01 16:49:40.333318203 +0000 UTC	deployed	db-init-0.2.0                        	           
reloader                                      	kube-system              	11      	2023-04-27 17:05:24.067960972 +0000 UTC	deployed	reloader-v1.0.24                     	v1.0.24    
secret-store-csi                              	kube-system              	4       	2023-03-08 16:09:17.163405598 +0000 UTC	deployed	secrets-store-csi-driver-1.3.1       	1.3.1      
tempo                                         	tempo                    	36      	2023-04-06 18:17:07.217576895 +0000 UTC	deployed	tempo-distributed-1.2.10             	2.0.1      
tempo-mixin                                   	tempo                    	6       	2023-04-06 16:30:54.713916756 +0000 UTC	deployed	tempo-mixin-1.2.0                    	2.0.0 
nova find --format=table --include-all=false                                                                                                                                                         
I0512 10:31:44.398591   33819 request.go:690] Waited for 1.02221785s due to client-side throttling, not priority and fairness, request: GET:https://< URL >/apis/
F0512 10:31:47.819450   33819 root.go:272] Error getting artifacthub package repos: failed to search for packages for term prometheus-alertmanager

What did you expect to happen?

Nova uses my local Helm cli configuration and credentials.

eg: Inspecting HELM_REPOSITORY_CONFIG yaml file

How can we reproduce this?

  • Go to
  • Create a new account
  • Create a new project
  • Create a new Helm chart using helm create nova-issue
  • Pack and push the Helm chart using Harbor push command `helm package CHART_PATH && helm push CHART_PACKAGE oci://< YOUR PROJECT >
  • Add Harbor to Helm repos
  • Install nova-issue chart
  • Run nova


Version:3.6.2 Commit:a55e37fa76fe9012585dd896a25a1883cf1247c6


  • I did search for other open and closed issues before opening this.

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  • I agree to follow this project's Code of Conduct

Additional context

No response

Have you tried using the --url parameter of the nova configuration to pass in your specific private registry URL?

Since this is coming up frequently, I have opened #222 for clearer documentation.

Oh, and lastly, can you please update to the latest patch version - 3.6.4 - there are some bug fixes to how we handle artifact hub

rbren commented

More issues with private repos:

We try to download index.yaml from the repo here:

response, err := http.Get(fmt.Sprintf("%s/index.yaml", r.URL))

We're not using any auth when we do that.

Possible fixes here:

  • use the helm golang client to get a list of repos (equivalent of helm repo list) to check against, and maybe filter out public ones. That way users don't have to specify --url if their env is already set up
  • use the helm client to just get auth for what's been specified in --url
  • use the helm client to retrieve the list of charts in the repo, instead of manually downloading index.yaml

The only helm command I know of to list all the charts in a repo would be helm search. Essentially a helm search repo fairwinds-stable would list all the latest chart versions. That might be sufficient, but it's a bit odd.

We have multiple repositories. Some private, some not on Artifacthub but most on ArtifactHub

It's too complicated to cover everything with Nova and we have opted to use just a script to detect out of data charts from our terminals

Thanks for the this project and the others you are supporting they are all great