
The "poll-helm-hub" and "url" features in the config file no longer work

TACY-octo opened this issue ยท 15 comments

What happened?

Hello, After the Nova 3.0.0 update, the "url:" and "poll-helm-hub:" features are no longer present.
As a result, I find myself with versions of charts in nightly-build and not in release version or tags that no longer corresponds to the original convention : example for "kubed".

Also, Artifacthub does not have the set of available helms : example for "csi-secrets-store".

Example output (2.3.0) :

Release Name                    Installed    Latest      Old      Deprecated

vector-aggregator               0.18.1         0.21.2      true     false
csi-secrets-store                 0.1.0          1.0.1         true     false
kubed                                    v0.12.0      v0.13.1     true     false


Example output (3.0.0) :

Release Name                    Installed           Latest                                        Old      Deprecated
============                 =========    ======                                     ===      ==========

kubed                                    v0.12.0           0.13.1                                         true     false
vector-aggregator               0.18.1              0.20.0-nightly-2022-01-04    true     false

In 3.0.0 output, we don't have the csi-secrets-store, the vector-aggregator have a nightly build verison and kubed change the tag convention

What did you expect to happen?

After run the command `nova find --config=config.ymlร , I expect to have a result that corresponds to a check between the urls charts of my config file and the currently installed charts in my cluster K8S.

How can we reproduce this?

Use the config file :


poll-helm-hub: false


And run this command on nova 3.0.0 :

nova find --config=config.yml

Result :

Release Name                    Installed    Latest                       Old      Deprecated
============                    =========    ======                       ===      ==========
kubed                           v0.12.0      0.13.1                       true     false
vector-aggregator               0.18.1       0.20.0-nightly-2022-01-04    true     false

And with the 2.3.0 version :

Release Name                    Installed    Latest     Old      Deprecated
kubed                                 v0.12.0      v0.13.1    true      false
csi-secrets-store               0.1.0         1.0.1        true      false
vector-aggregator             0.18.1       0.21.2      true      false




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klis commented

I would like to add that ArtifactHub has older versions of some charts. For example, kubernetes-replicator has version 1.0.15 on the ArtifactHub, and in the GitHub repo, it is 2.7.3 - link to the Charts.yaml

๐Ÿ‘‹ Hey thanks for this report and apologies for this oversight. We'll use this issue to track a fix on adding back this functionality to bypass using artifacthub.

@ctavian and @klis thanks again for your input here. I've opened PR #74 if you would want to test those out. If you have a working go install on your workstation you can simply pull down this repo + that branch and run make build and then use ./nova like you would normally.

One thing of note is that poll-helm-hub is gone for good but is now replaced by poll-artifacthub. Please comment on that PR if the functionality still doesn't fit your usecases.

@lucasreed, Thanks, it works! :)

klis commented

@lucasreed & @ctavian are you sure about the logic?
I tried it and looks like that when I specify the URL, only that URL is shown in the output. For example, if I run the default options I get a list of "all" charts that are available on ArtifactHub. Pay attention to the kubernetes-replicator versions.

> ./nova find
Release Name             Installed    Latest     Old      Deprecated
============             =========    ======     ===      ==========
cert-manager             v1.7.1       1.7.1      false    false
harbor                   1.7.1        1.8.1      true     false
operator                 0.6.0        0.6.0      false    false
kubernetes-replicator    2.7.3        1.0.15     false    false
minio-operator           4.3.7        4.3.7      false    false
kube-prometheus-stack    18.1.0       32.2.1     true     false
loki                     2.6.1        2.6.1      false    false
prometheus-adapter       2.17.0       3.0.2      true     false
traefik                  10.14.1      10.14.1    false    false

Now, I do the same thing, but only I add 2 flags, one to still poll ArtifactHub, another one to poll kubernetes-replicator chart.
I only got results for the kubernetes-replicator chart. I would love to get all the results, only that charts specified in the --url have precedence over the ArtifactHub.

> ./nova find --url= --poll-artifacthub=true
Release Name             Installed    Latest    Old      Deprecated
============             =========    ======    ===      ==========
kubernetes-replicator    2.7.3        2.7.3     false    false

And yes, I know that I can specify all the URLs, but if I plug nova in the CI system, then I need to maintain a config file, or the full command for nova find

Hello @klis,

I think there might be a problem with the precedence of the value when you use both --url and the poll-artifacthub to true.

In your case, you just want to add new, more recent repositories, see missing from artifacthub.

However, how will nova behave to choose the version between what is provided by the URL and by artifacthub.

klis commented

So, what I would do is that if the chart is provided via URL then just skip artifacthub. This still means that if the provided URL has an older version then the artifacthub nova will show the old version (kubernetes-replicator example from my previous comment).
If I add --include-all flag, nova will list all the Helm charts, but only one will have Latest filled.
Would be nice to have all the data, url and artifacthub? Basically, if the Helm chart that is installed is defined in the URL, then go to that URL, and for that chart skip artifacthub.

> ./nova find --url= --poll-artifacthub=true --include-all
Release Name             Installed    Latest    Old      Deprecated
============             =========    ======    ===      ==========
cert-manager             v1.7.1                 false    false
harbor                   1.7.1                  false    false
operator                 0.6.0                  false    false
kubernetes-replicator    2.7.3        2.7.3     false    false
minio-operator           4.3.7                  false    false
kube-prometheus-stack    18.1.0                 false    false
loki                     2.6.1                  false    false
prometheus-adapter       2.17.0                 false    false
traefik                  10.14.1                false    false

Maybe I'm going too far, but I would like to see nova do that. I don't know if older versions of nova worked that way since I only recently started to integrate this into our CI workflow.

In my testing it should work with both --url and artifacthub in one run but any charts found at the specified URL's will override artifacthub if it finds the same name chart at the url repository. Could you add the --v=8 to your command so we have more logging?

klis commented

In my testing it should work with both --url and artifacthub in one run but any charts found at the specified URL's will override artifacthub if it finds the same name chart at the url repository. Could you add the --v=8 to your command so we have more logging?

Sure, here is the full output

> ./nova find --url= --poll-artifacthub=true --include-all -v=8
I0217 17:18:53.470284    2113 root.go:99] config not set, using flags only
I0217 17:18:53.473523    2113 root.go:183] Settings: map[context: desired-versions:map[] include-all:true output-file: poll-artifacthub:true url:[] wide:false]
I0217 17:18:53.473580    2113 root.go:184] All Keys: [desired-versions url poll-artifacthub context wide include-all output-file]
I0217 17:18:55.576877    2113 artifacthub.go:200] found 3 packages matching 'prometheus-adapter'
I0217 17:18:55.577308    2113 artifacthub.go:200] found 6 packages matching 'kube-prometheus-stack'
I0217 17:18:55.582243    2113 artifacthub.go:200] found 3 packages matching 'jenkins-operator'
I0217 17:18:55.582862    2113 artifacthub.go:200] found 1 packages matching 'kubernetes-replicator'
I0217 17:18:55.583053    2113 artifacthub.go:200] found 4 packages matching 'loki-stack'
I0217 17:18:55.584123    2113 artifacthub.go:200] found 2 packages matching 'minio-operator'
I0217 17:18:55.590694    2113 artifacthub.go:200] found 10 packages matching 'harbor'
I0217 17:18:55.606754    2113 artifacthub.go:200] found 30 packages matching 'traefik'
I0217 17:18:55.694735    2113 artifacthub.go:200] found 54 packages matching 'cert-manager'
I0217 17:18:56.229808    2113 root.go:219] found 113 possible package matches
I0217 17:18:56.230065    2113 chartrepo.go:57] loading 1 chart repositories
I0217 17:18:56.230089    2113 chartrepo.go:60] loading chart repository:
I0217 17:18:56.435977    2113 chartrepo.go:173] Got 9 installed releases in the cluster
I0217 17:18:56.436269    2113 output.go:114] deduplicating releases for output
I0217 17:18:56.436292    2113 output.go:121] found duplicate release: 'cert-manager', chart: 'cert-manager', namespace: 'cert-manager'
I0217 17:18:56.436295    2113 output.go:121] found duplicate release: 'harbor', chart: 'harbor', namespace: 'harbor-system'
I0217 17:18:56.436297    2113 output.go:121] found duplicate release: 'operator', chart: 'jenkins-operator', namespace: 'jenkins-system'
I0217 17:18:56.436299    2113 output.go:121] found duplicate release: 'kubernetes-replicator', chart: 'kubernetes-replicator', namespace: 'kubernetes-replicator'
I0217 17:18:56.436301    2113 output.go:121] found duplicate release: 'minio-operator', chart: 'minio-operator', namespace: 'minio-system'
I0217 17:18:56.436303    2113 output.go:121] found duplicate release: 'kube-prometheus-stack', chart: 'kube-prometheus-stack', namespace: 'monitoring-system'
I0217 17:18:56.436305    2113 output.go:121] found duplicate release: 'loki', chart: 'loki-stack', namespace: 'monitoring-system'
I0217 17:18:56.436307    2113 output.go:121] found duplicate release: 'prometheus-adapter', chart: 'prometheus-adapter', namespace: 'monitoring-system'
I0217 17:18:56.436308    2113 output.go:121] found duplicate release: 'traefik', chart: 'traefik', namespace: 'traefik'
Release Name             Installed    Latest    Old      Deprecated
============             =========    ======    ===      ==========
cert-manager             v1.7.1                 false    false
harbor                   1.7.1                  false    false
operator                 0.6.0                  false    false
kubernetes-replicator    2.7.3        2.7.3     false    false
minio-operator           4.3.7                  false    false
kube-prometheus-stack    18.1.0                 false    false
loki                     2.6.1                  false    false
prometheus-adapter       2.17.0                 false    false
traefik                  10.14.1                false    false

Thanks @klis! I'll try to replicate this locally and go from there.

@klis can you try pulling and building after my most recent commit. It was a simple one-line commit that allows a function to return a nil instead of an empty struct. I think that fixes this problem.

I reproduced your issue locally and after my change it is working as expected.


> ./nova find --url= --poll-artifacthub=true --include-all
Release Name             Installed    Latest    Old      Deprecated
============             =========    ======    ===      ==========
cert-manager             v1.7.1                 false    false    
harbor                   1.7.1                  false    false    
kubernetes-replicator    2.7.3        2.7.3     false    false


> ./nova find --url= --poll-artifacthub=true --include-all
Release Name             Installed    Latest    Old      Deprecated
============             =========    ======    ===      ==========
cert-manager             v1.7.1       1.7.1     false    false    
harbor                   1.7.1        1.8.1     true     false    
kubernetes-replicator    2.7.3        2.7.3     false    false
klis commented

@klis can you try pulling and building after my most recent commit. It was a simple one-line commit that allows a function to return a nil instead of an empty struct. I think that fixes this problem.

I reproduced your issue locally and after my change it is working as expected.


> ./nova find --url= --poll-artifacthub=true --include-all
Release Name             Installed    Latest    Old      Deprecated
============             =========    ======    ===      ==========
cert-manager             v1.7.1                 false    false    
harbor                   1.7.1                  false    false    
kubernetes-replicator    2.7.3        2.7.3     false    false


> ./nova find --url= --poll-artifacthub=true --include-all
Release Name             Installed    Latest    Old      Deprecated
============             =========    ======    ===      ==========
cert-manager             v1.7.1       1.7.1     false    false    
harbor                   1.7.1        1.8.1     true     false    
kubernetes-replicator    2.7.3        2.7.3     false    false

It was working, but it looks like artifacthub has some issue currently, so I will try again later. With the CLI flags and with the config file.

klis commented

@lucasreed it is working. But, it looks like that --include-all is broken. So when I set --poll-artifacthub=false and --include-all it should return only version for the URL and list all other charts with Latest column that is empty? But I'm only getting the result for the chart specified in the --url.

> ./nova find --url= --poll-artifacthub=false --include-all
Release Name             Installed    Latest    Old      Deprecated
============             =========    ======    ===      ==========
kubernetes-replicator    2.7.3        2.7.3     false    false

I would expect something like this

Release Name             Installed    Latest    Old      Deprecated
============             =========    ======    ===      ==========
cert-manager             v1.7.1                 false    false
harbor                   1.7.1                  false    false
operator                 0.6.0                  false    false
kubernetes-replicator    2.7.3        2.7.3     false    false
minio-operator           4.3.7                  false    false
kube-prometheus-stack    18.1.0                 false    false
loki                     2.6.1                  false    false
prometheus-adapter       2.17.0                 false    false
traefik                  10.14.1                false    false

@klis good find! I just pushed up another change that I think captures this case too. Once this is validated I think we're in a good place to merge the PR and cut a release.

klis commented

@klis good find! I just pushed up another change that I think captures this case too. Once this is validated I think we're in a good place to merge the PR and cut a release.

Looks good to me