
How do you see user identity as an admin?

Closed this issue · 1 comments

In the admin instructions in Slack it says that I have permission to do so.

Anonymous Bot can:
View information about the user’s identity, granted by 1 team member
Add actions and/or slash commands that people can use, granted by 1 team member

Falci commented

Hi @karban941,

It seems there's a misunderstanding here. Slack says that the bot knows/receive the information about the users. It doesn't mean the bot make it available for other users/admins. Not even developers can access it.

There's a minimum information needed by the bot:

  • Team ID + Channel ID: the bot need to know where to send the message
  • username/ID: the bot sends a "donation" message. We keep the ID (in memory, not in a database) to prevent spam from out side
  • The message: obvious, the bot need to receive the text.

Besides the user ID in the cache, we don't have any other information. Also, the cache has a short lifetime (it is cleaned after 100 messages), and there's no way to access the cache info