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FalcoSuessgott commented
- new output format which shows the token policies recursive for each kv path using self-capabilities api call
- cli flag for showing secrets version
- cli flag for showing secrets metadata
- cli flag for showing the links to each secret
- shell completion
- man page
- cli flag which lists all kv engines and use can interactively choose
- cli flag for browsing through kv engines and on right side u see the tree view (maybe using something like bubbletea or fzf)
- better github pages
- create an icon
- add template snippet for generating the corresponding tf code that recreates the complete kv engine
- harmonize gif images and font sizes
- only build gifs when tag
- test document behaviour with not sufficient token policy
- always test against last 3 mayor versions
- support KVv1
- import command which takes vkv json or yaml output (flags: -f, -d, STDIN, --force, dry-run/preview)
- Separate files in printer dir with tests
- add commands for encrypting exported secrets with pgp and importing them again (decrypting)
- Subcommand for mirroring secrets between two emgines in intervalls (daemon) takes a congig file
- Flag for showing previous secret versions
- Warn if masked secrets are imported
- Handle Engine path in vkv import
- encrypt/decrypt secrets using sops and vault
- Vault backup subcommand (export alle kv engines from all visble ns, flags: namespace, list engines, …)
- Vault restore - restores all exported kv engines
- Docker & k8s cronjob integration
- #118
- use conventional commits and group in changelog in goreleaser
- quick start guide
- write proper testutils (create/delete ns, engines, spinup vault, ...)
- usage with tf for secret importing without being in state
- List minimum required policy for all features
- add custom metadata to markdown output
- switch to and and see if it is better