
Newer PHP version support

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Today, the gedcomx-php library supports PHP 5.3. This restricts us from using an older version of Guzzle (guzzle3). I'd like to bump PHP version support to >=5.4.

The primary customer who requested 5.3 is now running 5.5. Are there any objections to bumping the version support and upgrading to a newer Guzzle client?

I think the biggest question is how backward compatible Guzzle 4.x is with Guzzle 3.x. I think they're doing semver so that would mean there are breaking changes we'd probably have to address before being able to support >=5.4. Otherwise, I think the rest of the code should run fine.

If we switched to version 5 or 6 of guzzle then we could offer async requests in addition to synchronous requests like the AWS SDK does.