
FamilySearchPlaceState docs are invalid

Closed this issue · 5 comments

That might be due to outdated docs

@jimmyz How do you update the docs?

The docs are generated via ApiGen.

I used a modified version of the ThemeBootstrap project in order to get the search drop-down and a few other things to be wide enough for the long namespacing of the gedcomx-php classes. I'll push the changes to a forked version of the theme.

The command to generate it with the custom theme is found here:

Okay, here's my fork of the ThemeBootstrap project:

I ran the process to generate a new version of the docs, which is now deployed, but generating the doc gave the following Parse error:

Parse error: Class Gedcomx\Extensions\FamilySearch\Rs\Client\FamilySearchPlaceState was redeclared (previously declared in file /workspace/sdks/php/gedcomx-php/src/Extensions/FamilySearch/FamilySearchPlaceState.php).

This could be the reason for the inaccurate docs. Perhaps the FamilySearchPlaceState is found in multiple files.