
Add notice about SCSS-Lint

elektronik2k5 opened this issue · 2 comments

scss-lint's readme starts with:

NOTICE: Consider other tools before adopting SCSS-Lint

The Sass core team is now building Sass in Dart instead of Ruby, and will no longer be maintaining the Ruby implementation unless a maintainer steps up to help. Since the SCSS-Lint project relies on the Ruby Sass implementation, this means it will eventually not support the latest Sass features and bug fixes.

Two alternatives worthy of consideration are stylelint and sass-lint, with sass-lint having closer feature parity to SCSS-lint.

The SCSS-Lint project will continue to accept pull requests and provide basic support on the issue tracker.

I suggest we add a short note next to the list entry:

Good idea!

How about we add deprecated instead? like:

What do you think?

Sure, I'm make a PR later today :)