
fa-attribute on fa-container-surface

bthj opened this issue · 1 comments

bthj commented

fa-container-surface doesn't seem to accept an fa-perspective attribute. That would be useful as container surfaces have their own isolated rendering environment.

Nesting a modifier inside the fa-container-surface element doesn't have an effect, like so:

    <fa-container-surface fa-options="..." id="items-container">
      <fa-modifier fa-perspective="1000">

But I was able to achieve the desired perspective within the container surface, by writing the following in the controller, which is less declarative:

      var containerSurface = $famous.find('#items-container')[0];

Hi @bthj -

Thanks for using Famous-Angular. I am not sure what would be the resolution for this issue would be. It seems that you found a need and filled. As this is an open source project I would encourage you to put this into a directive, write some test, and then submit a PR for the project.

