- 0
in LaTeX
#82 opened by aloispichler - 0
Integrate with treesit.el?
#81 opened by aspiers - 3
Python Docstring breakes coloring (treesit)
#80 opened by OlMon - 0
Issues with org-mode source blocks
#79 opened by o0nd7ots - 0
curly bracket matches with angle bracket
#77 opened by Luciogi - 6
How to customize the delimeters?
#61 opened by roiholtzman - 0
Doesn't show mismatched bracket
#76 opened by arteen1000 - 2
Doesn't work well with evil-normal-mode
#37 opened by NightMachinery - 7
Deactivate when in Python regex strings
#73 opened by buhtz - 1
Option to highlight inner blocks only?
#74 opened by rickalex21 - 3
- 1
- 0
Issue with polymode (inline)
#71 opened by JEAN71 - 1
Mistake in matching inside other blocks
#70 opened by mmahmoudian - 4
- 1
Suggestion: add LICENSE file
#65 opened by magnusmorton - 1
Rainbow delimiters for YAML
#67 opened by iensu - 1
Mismatched parenthesis in latex-mode
#51 opened by haji-ali - 1
Rianbow Delimiters and semi-open set notation
#64 opened by jsilve24 - 2
Double duty parentheses
#63 opened by danielsz - 1
- 3
- 0
Error: Use keywords rather than deprecated positional arguments to `define-minor-mode'
#59 opened by bladrome - 1
Mismatches quotes for references in perl
#58 opened by chy-causer - 1
- 2
- 3
issues compiling instalation
#55 opened by RedJocker - 2
- 5
Customize highlighted delimiters (in Org files)
#53 opened by scolobb - 1
Mismatched Pairs in Org Table Formula
#50 opened by soberpeach - 2
- 0
- 1
Inconsistent matching with Ligatures
#47 opened by rschmukler - 0
- 4
- 3
Doesn't work in SLIME's REPL?
#39 opened by Ambrevar - 1
Condition recognized as closing bracket in elisp source code block inside org-mode
#42 opened by technician77 - 2
- 3
parenthesis not colored in latex mode
#26 opened by dinojr - 2
doesn't highlight in evil-mode normal state
#40 opened by jsomedon - 1
Proposal / advice needed: use background color to visualize expression depth instead of delimiters text color
#38 opened by idrozd - 0
- 2
- 2
- 1
#32 opened by mambolevis - 1
Reset rainbow-delimiters magic string
#31 opened by nikadon - 1
- 1
- 1
Support HTML tags as delimiters
#28 opened by xuhdev - 1
Not working in web files such as html?
#27 opened by c02y