There must be View(Dialog) and ViewModel in the same assembly.
hhko opened this issue · 10 comments
private static Assembly GetAssemblyFromType(Type type)
// GetTypeInfo is supported on UWP
return type.GetTypeInfo().Assembly;
// Assembly is supported on all .NET versions
return type.Assembly;
Do you have any plans to support the different assemblies for View(Dialog) and ViewModel?
Not in NamingConventionDialogTypeLocator
, but DialogService
is built to support whatever implementation of IDialogTypeLocator
you decide is correct for your project, thus you can easily implement a custom locator yourself and pass it to DialogService
when you create the instance.
I didn't know IDialogTypeLocator interface.
Thank you for your consideration.
Try implementing your locator, and if it works as you expect you can close this issue. Otherwise please reply to me here and I'll try to help you.
Do you have a plan for adding the demo and wiki about how to implement IDalogTypeLocator interface?
Not until now. Can you give me some bulletpoints of what you would like that wiki to contain?
The IDalogTypeLocator interface doesn't mention any information in Wiki.
You are correct, there is information lacking both when it comes to dialog type locators and dialog factories, concepts that are possible to inject custom implementations of.
Thank you for bringing this to my attention, I'll see if I can do anything about that.
I'm reopening this issue, because after updating the wiki I would like you the be the judge whether the information there is informative.
Would that be ok for you?
I've added a wiki page about custom dialog locators, and how you should use them.
I would be ever so grateful if you where able to read though it and give me feedback on whether the text is informative, whether I got any typos in there, or if something is missing.
I'm really sorry not to notify it.
I've already read your fantastic and kind article about custom dialog locators.
Mvvm-dialogs is one of my favorite libraries.
I hope sustaining mvvm-dialogs's growth!
Thank you^^;;;