Support disabling namespace awareness
khituras opened this issue · 1 comments
I have a usecase where I get parts of an XML document. Each part contains namespace-qualified element names without declaring them (this is done at the beginning of the main XML document).
For me, it would be quite fine if namespaces would not get resolved and the ns-prefixed element name would be stored as the local part of the QName. Could this be done?
As a fallback it would also be okay for me to bind the namespace prefixes as I know them from the main document. But I could not find a method allowing this.
Anything I can do? Because currently I can not process the XML subparts at all which is a blocker on my current work. Thanks!
I helped myself for the time being by using Woodstox for this specific part. This requires me to explicitly specify the XmlInputFactory to use Aalto in some and Woodstox in other places but this is fine.