
NoCtorDeserModule missing - Do you mean NoCtorModule ?

hreinn91 opened this issue · 2 comments

jackson-modules-base/no-ctor-deser/ dictates

ObjectMapper mapper = JsonMapper.builder() // or mapper for other dataformats .addModule(new NoCtorDeserModule()) // add other modules, configure, etc .build();

But this module is missing from the package as far as I can see. Do you perhaps mean NoCtorModule or am I missing something?

Possible error in

Which references a NoCtorDeserModule which does not infact exisits. Only NoCtorModule exists.

Ugh. This should teach me not to hurry with inclusion and take time to double-check contributions :-(

Thank you for reporting this.

Usually I'd fix this in next minor version (2.14), but in this case I think I'll try to do combination of deprecation for incorrectly named module & addition of proper one in a patch (2.13.1).