Documentation: ObjectMapper.addModule() does not exist
numeralnathan opened this issue · 3 comments
numeralnathan commented
This page says to call addModule()
. However, ObjectMapper.addModule()
does not exist. I think it should say registerModule()
cowtowncoder commented
Please re-read the code example... you did miss a small detail. :)
(correct, mapper has no such method but that's not what code sample show)
numeralnathan commented
Oh, thank you. I saw ObjectMapper
and thought I was working with it.
cowtowncoder commented
No problem, I can see how that can happen. :)
And there definitely are cases where READMEs are out of date or have typos. So I rather get occasional false positive than miss actual fixes.
There are also sometimes problems between Jackson 3.0 (future major version) and 2.x; APIs differ a bit.