
`jackson-module-jakarta-xmlbind-annotations` should use a Jakarta namespaced Activation API

jamezp opened this issue · 6 comments

Currently the com.fasterxml.jackson.module:jackson-module-jakarta-xmlbind-annotations uses uses jakarta.activation:jakarta.activation-api:1.2.2. This is a javax namespaced API. The version 2.0.1 should be used to align with jakarta.xml.bind:jakarta.xml.bind-api:3.0.1.

If this can also be backported to 2.13 please let me know as this is a blocker for RESTEasy and WildFly to be able to upgrade.

Ugh. Apologies for the mess here. It does sound like something we'd want for 2.13 too. I'll add a note on PR.

Excellent. Thanks for the quick turnaround on this! Should this be closed now since #177 is merged?

Yes, forgot to close.

Fixed for 2.13.4 and 2.14.0.

@cowtowncoder Is there by chance a 2.13 or 2.14 release coming soon? I'd just like to integrate this into RESTEasy and WildFly.

Probably not quite around the corner: hoping to finalize 2.14 soon but it'll take a while.
And 2.13.3 just got out so there's not much need for immediate 2.13.4.

No worries. Thanks for the update!