Beat Saber - PiShock Plugin

Getting a PiShock API Key

  • Login to the site:
  • Choose the PiShock option
  • Click the Person icon ( Account ) in the bottom left corner
  • Click Generate API Key button
  • The API key is the value shown, Example: abcd-1234555678-defg-12345

Getting a PiShock Share Code

  1. On the PiShock website:
    1. Create a share code ( or get one from another user )
      • Click on the Share icon ( the 3 dots )
      • Click Generate Share Code


  1. Make sure you have Beat Saber installed
  2. Install Python using the attached install_python.ps1:
    1. Right click
    2. Run with Powershell
  3. Setup Mod Assistant
    1. Launch ModAssistant.exe
    2. Click Agree
    3. Install the mod HTTP Status

Update the config.json

  1. Update the Params:

    • Add the Username (it needs to be the one of the person that made the API Key
    • Add the Name should be identical or can be something like: Beat Saber.
  2. Update the Apikey:

    • Under Params:
    • Update Apikey: ( line 7 )
    • Add your API Key From the PiShock website (See: Getting a PiShock API Key)
  3. In the Miss: section:

    1. Update the value for code: with the Share Code (on line 28)
  4. In the Bomb: section:

    1. Update the value for code: with the Share Code (on line 52)
  5. (Optional)

    • Get the code of a share
    • Enter it at line 62 (Hit->Params->code),
    • Toggle Active to true at line 58.

Running the Plugin

  1. Launch Beat Saber
  2. Launch the Plugin:
  3. Hold shift and right click in the folder that holds the
  4. Click on Open Powershell Window Here
  5. Inside the Powershell window:
    1. Type python .\
    2. Press Enter to launch the plugin