
Some business rules for "3G am Arbeitsplatz" missing?

Opened this issue · 5 comments


first of all, thank you for the professional github repo, the comprehensive resources like sourcecode and information around the verification of covid certificates.

We are working on an validation logic for "3G am Arbeitsplatz" based on the official provided business rules. However, the current provided rules (our assumption: "Region" == "BG") do not reflect all the rules currently in force (example PCR 72h and antigen testing 24h, source: https://www.wko.at/service/Aushang_3GamArbeitsplatz.pdf).

Before we now start with our own implementation of the rules I wanted to ask if an extension of the business rules planned here in the foreseeable future?

Thanks in advance and all the best for this time,

the "Region" = "BG" defines the (former?) "Berufsgruppen".
But I will take this topic to the next Business-Rules meeting.

I would also be interested in this topic. Also in rules similar to the dropdown from greencheck.gv.at with the sets for 3G, 2.5G, 2G, 1G

Hi, the "Region" = "BG" defines the (former?) "Berufsgruppen". But I will take this topic to the next Business-Rules meeting.

That would be really great if we can use a predefined set of rules from a trustful source for that! If the generalization of rule sets is better for you to handle (e.g. as pagdot suggested) with 3G, 2.5G, 2G, 1G rather then specific use cases for rules like "3G am Arbeitsplatz", this would be fine too as we can esteem that sub groups of rules for federal states of specific branches could emerge in future.

I know this can't happen in a day, but the dynamics of the current situation are putting a lot of pressure on companies, so a trusted source of current business rules would be very helpful, so that we can focus on the software part on making this process more efficient for companies.

Many thanks and all the best!

Totally agree with all the above! Thanks for the support and all the informations :)
I had the same issue. For now i use a "hardcoded" mixture of the provided rules and custom rules to do 3g/2,5g/2g/1g/2g+/pcr_only, ... for our product visidoor since the the changes are kind of unpredictable. or is there any sort of newsletter that announces changes to the rules?

Hi, the "Region" = "BG" defines the (former?) "Berufsgruppen". But I will take this topic to the next Business-Rules meeting.

Anything new on this topic, isn't that the purpose of providing a business rule server? When can we expect unified, up to date and central managed rules for 3g/2,5g/2g/1g/2g+/pcr_only?