
Add authentication to MongoDBBackend

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MongoDBBackend is currently not usable by me because I use mongolab.com and they require that the 'pymongo.Connection' be authenticated.

Would love to use this functionality.

I was able to get this to work as needed by hacking the mongodb_backend.py file and changing it to this:

# added optional 'username' and 'password' in constructor
class MongoDBBackend(Backend):
    def __init__(self, db_name='cork', hostname='localhost', port=27017, initialize=False, username=None, password=None):
        """Initialize MongoDB Backend"""
        connection = MongoClient(host=hostname, port=port)
        db = connection[db_name]
        # if username and password are present than authenticate...
        if username and password:
            db.authenticate(username, password)
        self.users = MongoMultiValueTable('users', 'login', db.users)
        self.pending_registrations = MongoMultiValueTable(
        self.roles = MongoSingleValueTable('roles', 'role', db.roles)

        if initialize:

MongoDB supports URIs in the "host" parameter as in:

Given that the "hostname" parameter in MongoDBBackend is simply passed to MongoClient as "host", you should be already able to perform authentication.

uri = "mongodb://admin:admin@localhost/"
mb = MongoDBBackend(hostname=uri)

Does that work for you? Certainly "hostname" is a misleading name for an URI, I'll update it.

That does not work. That results in the following:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "server.py", line 94, in
File "build/bdist.macosx-10.9-intel/egg/cork/mongodb_backend.py", line 141, in init
File "/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/pymongo/mongo_client.py", line 369, in init
raise ConfigurationError(str(exc))
pymongo.errors.ConfigurationError: command SON([('authenticate', 1), ('user', u'user_admin'), ('nonce', u'2cbbb43173e169de'), ('key', u'4b8df11693f429caa4e3cd506e241470')]) failed: auth fails

I will just stick with my two line modification for now because it works perfectly and has no other impact on the code.