
Integration for QML applications

jbruechert opened this issue · 7 comments

Qt Quick Controls 2 applications use the Default style if no other style is set, and that one is really basic and sometimes not usable.

It would be nice if QGnomePlatform would set this to org.kde.desktop, which just passes through the widget style (for example Adwaita-Qt).

A simply copy-paste from Plasma Integration should be enough.

This seems to break every QML applications if KDE is not installed.
And you can actually have Qt or QML applications without KDE.

QQmlApplicationEngine failed to load component
qrc:/qml/DesktopApplication.qml: module "org.kde.desktop" is not installed

Is this on Qt5 or Qt6?
I thought at least on Qt5 there was a fallback if the style was not installed.

It's on Qt6. I deinstalled both to fix the issue, but I just tried with a Qt5 app and indeed it does seem to be working with 0.9.1.

Btw this doesn't mean it requires KDE, but it requires the desktop style which is made by KDE. However I should fix QGnomePlatform to not set the style if it's not installed on Qt6.

Do you know what package usually install that style? Maybe I can try installing it and see what happen.

The Qt6 version is probably not yet packaged anywhere. I'll just remove the styling functionality for Qt6 for now.

Alright, thanks for the quick response with this issue.