
KeePassXC icons wrong

Closed this issue · 21 comments

Icons in KeePassXC are wrong if no database is selected or until you open and close "Help" --> "About" window.

According to keepassxreboot/keepassxc#6299 this is a problem with QGnomePlatform.

What icon theme do you use? I cannot reproduce this issue. Does it happen with any other Qt application?

I use default Adwaita Theme (Fedora Linux 33).

QGnomePlatform Version: qgnomeplatform-0.7.0-2.fc33.x86_64

I can reproduce it by doing the following steps:

  1. sudo dnf install keepassxc --> (keepassxc-2.6.4-1.fc33.x86_64)
  2. open keepassxc and don´t open or create a database (clear database history if there is any)
  3. icons are fully black or gray until "Help" --> "About" Window is openend and closed or a database is selected/openend.

Screen recording:

I will ask again, does it happen with any other Qt application?

I have same version of keepassxc and Fedora 34 and I cannot reproduce it. Keepassxc uses a custom theme, I don't really think this is an issue in QGnomePlatform as I cannot think of anything possibly having effect on your issue.

I haven´t seen this problem with any other Qt application.

I would say it´s a problem of KeePassXC itself but they deny. The strange thing is that the icons are turning to the right ones if i click "Help" --> "About".

Maybe Fedora 34 will fix it...

It's interesting it doesn't happen with different platform theme. Can you try to uninstall qgnomeplatform just for a test?

If uninstalled qgnomeplatform now:

All icons are ok then - you can see it here:

What if you run "keepassxc -style adwaita" while you have QGnomePlatform uninstalled?

That´s interesting. If I run it with "-style Adwaita" everything looks fine!

So what does it mean?

That´s interesting. If I run it with "-style Adwaita" everything looks fine!

So what does it mean?

With QGnomePlatform installed or uninstalled?

QGnomePlatform is uninstalled:

keepassxc vs. keepassxc -style Adwaita while QGnomePlatform uninstalled --> http://transfer.sh/5GceV/comparison.mkv

Hi again,

I´ve discovered that the title-bar (of the "Help -> About" Window) also is missing if QGnomePlatform is installed.

Look here:

QGnomePlatform installed -> Command: keepassxc -> Title Bar is missing:

QGnomePlatform uninstalled -> Command: keepassxc -syle Adwaita -> Title Bar is displayed correctly:

The titlebar (decorations) is missing because QGnomePlatform provides decorations for them. I don't know why it didn't default to basic Qt decorations. However, I still don't have any idea why this issue happens to you, but I'm unable to reproduce it. I would also suggest to install qgnomeplatform back, as it brings better Qt integration into GNOME.

Ok, thanks. I think the problem is that the integrated themes of KeePassXC collide with QGnomePlatform.

Sorry - I´ve recognized another thing:

If I start it with sudo keepassxc (and QGnomePlatform installed) the icons also are correct and the titlebar decorations are here.

sudo keepassxc 
QStandardPaths: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set, defaulting to '/tmp/runtime-root'

Only the fonts look a little bit different...

Does this help to locate the problem?


Hi, just want to tell that I have the same problem with KeePassXC icons on a freshly installed Fedora 34 Beta.

Hi, just want to tell that I have the same problem with KeePassXC icons on a freshly installed Fedora 34 Beta.

I will try to install clean Fedora 34 into a VM and check what's going on. Thank you for your patience.

I can finally reproduce:

I tested:

  1. Keepassxc with QGnomePlatform + Adwaita-qt → DOESN'T WORK
  2. Keepassxc with QGnomePlatform + Breeze → DOESN'T WORK
  3. Keepassxc with KDE platform theme + Breeze → DOESN'T WORK
  4. Keepassxc with xcb platform (XWayland) → WORKS!!

This is most definitely not a bug in QGnomePlatform, but looks like a bug in the app itself or Qt Wayland.

Sorry for coming back again:

Is it possible that https://sourceforge.net/p/qt5ct/tickets/86/ could be a solution vor QGnomePlatform too?

Maybe. I will check and try.

The problem is gone now.
I´m not sure why - maybe it´s the new version of adwaita-icon-theme-40.1.1-1.fc34.noarch?

That's because Fedora now forces xcb platform (X11) to be used for keepassxc so it doesn't run natively on Wayland.

Edit: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1954742