extension added at the end of references and headers instead of at the end of filename
Closed this issue · 1 comments
ertwro commented
Currently there are extensions added as an option for compatibility with wikilinks and other apps that use the extension at the end of the link,:
include_md_extension_md_link = true
include_md_extension_wikilink = true
This produces something like [Nicturia](Uro_definitions.md)
which works ✅.
The problem is that when the reference to a header is autocompleted by cmp, it adds the extension at the end of the reference instead of at the end of name of the file. This is the current behavior:
[❌] [Nicturia](Uro_definitions#Nicturia.md)
Instead of like this, that would actually work:
[✅] [Nicturia](Uro_definitions.md#Nicturia)
Feel-ix-343 commented
Hmmmm yea that makes sense... thank you!!
This should be fixed in v1 when I get to it there. I am no longer developing v0.
Thank you for reporting!