Dataset for CIKM 2018 paper "Multi-Source Pointer Network for Product Title Summarization"
Each line in corpus.txt consists of a pair of titles (original title, short title), their brands, and commodity names. Each line is tab-delimited
(two tabs) with the following format:
<original title>\t\t<short title>\t\t<brand>\t\t<commodity name>
corpus: the dataset used in the cikm 2018 paper, the length of short title < 11.
big_corpus: much larger dataset, the length of short title < 13.
We split the file into 5 files with prefix
due to the limitation on (less than 100m).The way to reconstruct the big_corpus file:
cd big_corpus cat big_corpus.tar.gz_* > big_corpus.tar.gz tar zxvf big_corpus.tar.gz
may contain multi-language versions(separated using “/”) for some products, e.g., Nintendo/任天堂.
author = {Fei Sun and Peng Jiang and Hanxiao Sun and Changhua Pei and Wenwu Ou and Xiaobo Wang},
title = {{Multi-Source Pointer Network for Product Title Summarization}},
booktitle = {CIKM},
year = 2018