APDU Command VERIFY returns 6a88

mgm1008 opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi all,

I have a FEITIAN BR301 reader and i am trying to run the VERIFY APDU command but the result is 6a88 (Referenced data not found).

My PIN is "012345" and based on some examples my command APDU is:

00 20 00 00 06 30 31 32 33 34 35

I hope the answer is 9000 but it is 6a88

I have tried both ways (Private API and PC / SC API) and the answer is the same.

This is the code for Private API:

String sendStr = "0020000006303132333435";

byte[] send = Utility.hexStrToBytes(sendStr);

byte[] recv = ftReader.readerXfr(0, send);

showLog("send response ---> "+Utility.bytes2HexStr(recv));

The result is send response ---> 6a88

Could someone help me solve this problem?

Thanks in advance.

To verify your PIN, you may need select the file first, for example, with PIV card, you may need send below commands, and more information, take a look https://www.synchrocyber.com/downloads/sp800-73-3_PART2_piv-card-applic-card-common-interface.pdf

00A4040009A00000030800001000- Select File
0020008008 3131323233333434 - Verify PIN
002c00801031323334353637383132333435363738 - Unlock

With your card, it should have same manual as reference, please check with card vendor.

Any questions, send mail to hongbin@ftsafe.com, thanks