Need updates and documentation on Android 13 (SDK 33)

Stunc0 opened this issue · 5 comments

Stunc0 commented


I would like to integrate the sdk in my reactnative app, i tried to take your demo app but it seems that it's not working on SDK 33. No readers founded when i scan...
Can you update the demo app to see how to scan on theses devices ? Is it possible to have a documentation ont the permissions we have to ask to scan and connect ?

Best regards.

Hi @Stunc0 , sorry about this. We're working on this. I'll update the latest Android SDK later today.

Stunc0 commented

Ok thanks to you ;)

Hi @Stunc0 , we updated our new version of API libs ( and its demo codes, and the iReader apk, in path: https://github.com/FeitianSmartcardReader/FEITIAN_MOBILE_READERS/tree/master/Android_SDK/iReader

Please check that.
For the documentation, we'll check to update it soon.

Stunc0 commented


Thanks for updates.
is it normal that we don't have libs for x86 and x86_64 architectures in in Android_SDK/iReader/Lib?

Stunc0 commented

It looks like all have changed in functions signatures/structures... It's very hard to work in theses condictions, no documentations, no explanations on what have changed. A demo app is not a documentations and it's uite difficult to see whats have changed with the previous SDK.