Problem with new SDK (on android) and readers with fimware 1.10

Opened this issue · 33 comments

Stunc0 commented


i have done ReactNative plugin to use the new SDK, it looks like it works well but when i want to connect to old reader with firmware 1.10. The app crashed instantly when it connects to reader. So i tried with your exemple demo app and found that the demo app has some trouble as well with this firmware. All actions spent a lot of time to be doneand sometimes the app freeze.

Is it possible to review and recheck if it can work well or if there is memory issue (or something other) on these readers ?

Best regards. (Nicolas from HM France)

Stunc0 commented

Hello Ben,
No log for moment :/ It crashs instantly on my plugin. But if you test with your last exemple app and a reader with 1.10 firmware, you'll see that the app become very slow. Hope you have one with this firmware version.

@Stunc0 Which reader did you use when crashing happened? Can you provide the reader PID/VID/REV for this device in the device manager? Thx.

@Stunc0 which Android SDK version do you use? or

Stunc0 commented

SDK version: (i'm don't think that the problem occured with the version)
Reader's informations (BR301):

  • firmware version : 1.10
  • serial number: 35B688B10600001B
  • Bluettooth version: 1.1.00
  • UID:

@Stunc0 Thank you for feedback. For the PID/VID/REV info, please check the following picture to get them.
device manager

Hi, SDK version: (i'm don't think that the problem occured with the version) Reader's informations (BR301):

  • firmware version : 1.10
  • serial number: 35B688B10600001B
  • Bluettooth version: 1.1.00
  • UID:

@Stunc0 So it can work well when use version SDK on the old firmware version bR301 reader, but upgrade to it crashes on that old reader, Right?

Stunc0 commented

@Stunc0 So it can work well when use version SDK on the old firmware version bR301 reader, but upgrade to it crashes on that old reader, Right?

@FeitianSmartcardReader , Yes that's right .

Capture d'écran 2023-08-17 104433

@Stunc0 Thank you, let me forward these info to our R&D and keep you update.

Hi @Stunc0 , our R&D got a bR301FC4, we downgrade its firmware to 1.10, but no crash or slow response occurs by using iReader demo app.

The other hand, our bR301FC4 latest firmware version is 1.14, so would you please test same scenario using the latest firmware. You can update the firmware by using the manual here, in chapter 4 of : https://github.com/FeitianSmartcardReader/BR500_AND_BR301BLE_SDK_Latest

Stunc0 commented

Hi @richard605, @FeitianSmartcardReader
it sounds weird... Do you have the same Bluettooth version ? => for me: 1.1.00

Other issue:
I just check with the IOS demo app and when i connect lastest blue reader bR301 with big battery) firmware 2.25, sometimes the reader disconnect after few seconds. Is the IOS SDK updated for latests readers ?

@Stunc0 The bR301FC4 with 1.1.00 version bluetooth firmware is old product which was firstly released in Aug 2017. We already don't have any stock.

So i tried with your example demo app and found that the demo app has some trouble as well with this firmware.

Can you please do some test operation with our example demo app with your card, and when the problem (such as become very slow or crash or other situation) happens, then send the log to us, in the iReader demo app ?

Please Use the example app in: (which uses SDK)

Stunc0 commented

@richard605 i just sent the log from demo app. But not sure there is something to help you in...
Other question: is the IOS SDK is up to date in the repo ? Cause with the IOS SDK and demo app, i got some troubles to connect with latest reader in 2.25 ... The app connects to the reader and the reader disconnect immediatly after.

Stunc0 commented

@richard605 @FeitianSmartcardReader , any news about my last message ?

@Stunc0 May I know your iOS device and iOS system version?

Stunc0 commented

@richard605 It's on an iphone 6. And the version is 12.5.7

Thx, let me try to reproduce and back to you

Other question: is the IOS SDK is up to date in the repo ? Cause with the IOS SDK and demo app, i got some troubles to connect with latest reader in 2.25 ... The app connects to the reader and the reader disconnect immediately after.

And can you please retry this on the demo app, and this time please send the log mail to richard@ftsafe.com. Thank you very much.

Stunc0 commented

@richard605 i just sent a log from iphone now ;)

@Stunc0 thanks a lot, I noted the email with logs in attachment. Was the log saved after the "got some troubles to connect with latest reader in 2.25 ..." issue occur?

@Stunc0 And for the 2.25 reader, please also let me know the PID info for a check.


Stunc0 commented

@Stunc0 thanks a lot, I noted the email with logs in attachment. Was the log saved after the "got some troubles to connect with latest reader in 2.25 ..." issue occur?

@richard605 yes it's a 2.25.

Capture d'écran 2023-09-12 100754

Hi @Stunc0 Have you tried the bluetooth reader in Android iReader demo app? Does it appear like "disconnect immediately after" on iOS?

Stunc0 commented

Hi @Stunc0 Have you tried the bluetooth reader in Android iReader demo app? Does it appear like "disconnect immediately after" on iOS?

I just tried on android, same thing. When i connect to an ble reader with 1.10 firmware, it connects slowly, then a i go to Info(in the app to check reader info, it opens very slowly and then crashed after many seconds...

We really need to find a solution cause we got custommers on older reader (firmware < 1.14) and we cannot offer to them a solution if we upgrade the SDK to take in account new usb IR301 readers..

Stunc0 commented

Someone is there ?

Hi @Stunc0 , sorry for the late reply. Team still in investigation with this issue. Will back to you once progress updated. Thanks.

Any update?

Any update?

The last time i had Feitian's support, they were still investigating on that :/

I hope this problem will get fixed soon. It's a blocker for me.

@Stunc0 Sorry for the late reply. I'm still keeping following up this issue with team, they in a very urgent project, will back to contine the investigation after that.
Here is the newest sdk version with some minor fixes, https://docs.ftsafe.cn/s/etwfnRmEfoAZK8B, please check if the issue still happen in this version.
And feel free to continue contact with me (richard@ftsafe.com)

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