
Upgrading to OpenCV 4.5.1

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Hi Alex,

First, thanks for the example project!

Right now I'm developing my custom project from an Ubuntu desktop (18.04.5 LTS) where I have installed OpenCV 4.5.1.

I have modified the current *.pro file with the following:

INCLUDEPATH += $$PWD/vendor/opencv/include


INCLUDEPATH += /usr/local/include/opencv4
LIBS += -L/usr/local/lib -lopencv_imgproc -lopencv_core -lopencv_highgui


I have replaced the libraries libopencv_java4.so in the above folders, with the ones available in opencv-4.5.1-android-sdk.zip (from OpenCV releases)

The above is working in the Desktop and Android, now the question: for the case of iOS, how do I generate the library libopencv2.a from folder ../vendor/opencv/ios for OpenCV 4.5.1?
I have already downloaded the file opencv-4.5.1-ios-framework.zip from OpenCV releases, but it does not have this library pre-built as in the case of the Android file.

Thanks in advance for your help!