
SwitchyOmega does not work in the Firefox

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SwitchyOmega 2.5.10
Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.15; rv:126.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/126.0

can not open google.com

I had the same problem. And then I realized that the switchy omega extension provided by Firefox Add-Ons (v2.5.10) has lower version than the latest release (v2.5.20). Uninstalling the extension and re-installing it from GitHub Release solves my problem.

I had the same problem. And then I realized that the switchy omega extension provided by Firefox Add-Ons (v2.5.10) has lower version than the latest release (v2.5.20). Uninstalling the extension and re-installing it from GitHub Release solves my problem.

Same issue @SadPencil resolution worked for me too Firefox on Ubuntu

The extension from github will work on Firefox, the problem is that the extension is not updated in the store

yes it doesn't install the even with the git version the only way is use ZeroOmega--Proxy Switchy manifest v3 version which is fork of this extensions in firefox store

Firefox supports both V2 and V3 it worked downloading through the git latest release

Firefox supports both V2 and V3 it worked downloading through the git latest release

i tried and it's show it's broken if i download xpi directly from git in firefox. firefox automatic try to install it and it's failed. even i tried to install it locally again broken i use latest version of firefox on Arch btw

mmmm weird on Ubuntu worked flawless it's arch specific than maybe

i think it's happened when you fresh install firefox. because last time it's works even i updating firefox nothing happened to that extension.
so my system get problem and i should reinstall arch i get every thing backup but i forgot to get firefox backup (since firefox config folder is outside .config in home ) so after install firefox the extension doesn't install

I copy the xpi file to the extensions folder, e.g. ~/.mozilla/firefox/randomid.default/extensions on Linux or ~/Library/Application Support/Firefox/Profiles/randomid.default/extensions on macOS , then re-open Firefox and it works.
Maybe need to rename the xpi file to switchyomega@feliscatus.addons.mozilla.org.xpi.

xpi file from github cannot be installed.

firefox windows 127.0.1 (64-bit)

drag the xpi file to firefox window, it display a popup with "this add-on could not be installed because it appears to be corrupt.", but the file can be load in "debug add-ons"->"load Temporary Add-ons..".

Same here . Windows Firefox latest. Cant install from add-on's page, xpi file.

The same here. A fresh installation of Firefox 127.0.2 64-bit on Windows 10 complains the extension appears to be corrupt against both the Mozilla Add-on website, as well as the git XPI file.

xpi file from github cannot be installed.

firefox windows 127.0.1 (64-bit) proxy_switchyomega-2.5.20-an+fx.xpi

drag the xpi file to firefox window, it display a popup with "this add-on could not be installed because it appears to be corrupt.", but the file can be load in "debug add-ons"->"load Temporary Add-ons..".

Thanks, it's works. Firefox show next message:
Reading manifest: Warning processing key: An unexpected property was found in the WebExtension manifest.
I guess it's reason why the extention isn't installed from Mozilla Add-on website.

xpi file from github cannot be installed.

firefox windows 127.0.1 (64-bit) proxy_switchyomega-2.5.20-an+fx.xpi

drag the xpi file to firefox window, it display a popup with "this add-on could not be installed because it appears to be corrupt.", but the file can be load in "debug add-ons"->"load Temporary Add-ons..".

The extension disappears next time when Firefox is restarted :(

xpi file from github cannot be installed.
firefox windows 127.0.1 (64-bit) proxy_switchyomega-2.5.20-an+fx.xpi
drag the xpi file to firefox window, it display a popup with "this add-on could not be installed because it appears to be corrupt.", but the file can be load in "debug add-ons"->"load Temporary Add-ons..".

The extension disappears next time when Firefox is restarted :(

You probably try my method. It's better.
#2501 (comment)

You probably try my method. It's better. #2501 (comment)

Thank you. Your method works like a charm!

xpi file from github cannot be installed.
firefox windows 127.0.1 (64-bit) proxy_switchyomega-2.5.20-an+fx.xpi
drag the xpi file to firefox window, it display a popup with "this add-on could not be installed because it appears to be corrupt.", but the file can be load in "debug add-ons"->"load Temporary Add-ons..".

The extension disappears next time when Firefox is restarted :(

You probably try my method. It's better. #2501 (comment)

Thanks. Your method works.
On Windows it's located at %appdata%\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\<whatever>\extensions

m-2k commented

same problem now

c33s commented

for me it doesn't work at all, running on mercury (firefox 115.11.0esr), it always connects via my proxy (configured systemwide)


even if i set every rule to "direct" the browser connects to the net via my proxy. the browser states correctly that omega is handling the proxy config.


somehow the system proxy settings are still in place