
Options aren't working

hegedusgergely opened this issue · 3 comments

First of all, thanks for JankyBorders! This is exactly what I was looking for!

My issue is that seemingly no matter what I put into the bordersrc file it has no affect on borders.

  1. I've installed JankyBorders (1.6) via Brew and I run it with brew services start borders.
  2. I've created a bordersrc file under ~/.config/borders/ and updated the hidpi and width values.
  3. Restarted borders with brew services restart borders (tried stop and start as well) and I can see no change in borders width or hairiness whatsoever.
  4. I expected the width and sharpness to be updated after the restart of the service.
    Screenshot 2024-09-07 at 17 45 59@2x
    I'm on macOS 14.6.1

Hey, exact same versions as you and working for me.

Some things you could check are the log files(mine are empty but maybe you have something):


Can you share your config file?

Can you verify your config file permissions, here are mine:

$ ll .config/borders/bordersrc
.rwxr--r-- 173 ldenny 10 Sep 14:22  .config/borders/bordersrc

Hopefully something there helps, one last thing is maybe you ran borders manually outside brew in another terminal and that instance is what your seeing.

Hey @lewisdenny,

Thanks for the reply!

It was the file permissions. Changed to 754 and borders is working as expected. My issue is solved now.

Hey @lewisdenny,

Thanks for the reply!

It was the file permissions. Changed to 754 and borders is working as expected. My issue is solved now.

Wonderful, great to hear :)