
Borders cannot be disabled on Firefox using blacklist

szfkamil opened this issue · 3 comments

The borders for Firefox are not disabled after restarting the app, or the computer itself.

All the other apps are not displaying borders if blacklisted.

 10         Preferences,System Settings,Calculator,Software
 11         Update,zoom.us,Photo Booth,Archive
 12         Utility,Python,LibeOffice,App Store,Activity Monitor,System
 13         Information,Print Centre,TextEdit,Disk Utility,Alfred Preferences,
 14         Alfred,Noi,Finder,Dictionary,Photos,Music,Spotify,VLC,Preview,Reminders,Todoist,Notes,iTerm2"
  • I made sure it's not an issue of case-sensitivity.

I've re-installed the app and this has not fixed the issue.

For me borders blacklist="firefox" seems to work just fine. It needs to be in lower case because the procname is firefox and not Firefox

For me borders blacklist="firefox" seems to work just fine. It needs to be in lower case because the procname is firefox and not Firefox

Is this usual for an application name to be a different from process name? man says the name of the application.

The process name in activity monitor for Firefox is always upper-case. Unless by procname you mean something else?

Screenshot 2024-04-28 at 20 23 39

In any case, perhaps case-sensitive for app names would be a good feature request?