
Empty Map after running region fixer with 1.12.2 map

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Describe the bug
When I run the region fixer on my .mca files which I want to use on the current version of Minecraft, it creates basically an empty map. I use the --fix-wrong-located option and it finishes successfully, but the map is empty afterwards. It does show nothing when opening it in mcaselector and also when putting it on the server, the regions are regenerated.

Full copied text from the MS-DOS view

C:\Users\spina\Downloads\Minecraft-Region-Fixer-master\Minecraft-Region-Fixer-master>python regionfixer.py "C:\Users\spina\Downloads\Minecraft-Region-Fixer-master\Minecraft-Region-Fixer-master\Edhen" --fix-wrong-located

Welcome to Region Fixer!
(v 0.3.3)

  Scanning world: ('C:\\Users\\spina\\Downloads\\Minecraft-Region-Fixer-master\\Minecraft-Region-Fixer-master', 'Edhen')

World info:
There are 9 region files, 0 player files and 0 data files in the world directory.

-------------------- Checking level.dat --------------------
[WARNING!]: 'level.dat' is corrupted with the following error/s:
         The data file cannot be read

---------------- Scanning UUID player files ----------------
Info: No files to scan.

------------- Scanning old format player files -------------
Info: No files to scan.

---------- Scanning structures and map data files ----------
Info: No files to scan.

------------------ Scanning region files -------------------
9 of 9|##########################################################|Time: 0:00:05

 Scan results for: ('C:\\Users\\spina\\Downloads\\Minecraft-Region-Fixer-master\\Minecraft-Region-Fixer-master', 'Edhen')

Unreadable player files:
No problems found.

Unreadable data files:
No problems found.

Chunk problems:
| Problem | Wrong located  Total |
|  Count  |     9216       9216  |

Region problems:
No problems found.

####### Repairing chunks with status: Wrong located ########
Repairing chunks in regionset "Overworld":
    Repaired 9216 chunks in this regionset.

Repaired 9216 chunks with status: Wrong located

Expected behavior
It should have repaired the wrongly located chunks and made the map playable.


Files that would help solving the issue
Added one of the mca files to reproduce the problem.

Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: Windows 10
  • Python version: 3.8.6
  • Region Fixer Version v.0.3.3

Additional context



Thanks for your bug report. I confirm this is a bug in regionfixer and also that somthing very unusual is happening in you world

Most of, if not all of the chunks in your region file should be in a different region file. Regionfixer can fix regionfiles with chunks that are wrong located in the same region file, but your region file has chunks that should be in a very diferrent very far away region file. It's like if you changed the name of the region file so everything is going to be wrong located because is in the wrong coordinates. The chunks are even ordered properly inside the region file, but the global coordinates are all wrong by the same number.

This also exposed a bug in region fixer where it removes all the chunks that are wrong located when they are outside of the region file.

I'm not sure if regionfixer should fix this, it looks kind of dangerous, because to fix this you should start writing chunks of this region file to another region file that might be healthy. I don't think it's a good idea to do that.

Not really sure how this happened, do you have any idea how all this happened?