
Wildcard characters don't work in windows.

Closed this issue · 2 comments

C:\Users\scsin\Desktop\Minecraft-Region-Fixer-master>python regionfixer.py -p 4 C:\Users\scsin\Desktop\Minecraft-Region-Fixer-master\world\region\r.4.2.mca

Welcome to Region Fixer!
(v 0.3.3)

############## Scanning separate region files ##############

1 of 1|##########################################################|Time: 0:00:02

Chunk problems:
No problems found.

Region problems:
No problems found.

C:\Users\scsin\Desktop\Minecraft-Region-Fixer-master>python regionfixer.py -p 4 C:\Users\scsin\Desktop\Minecraft-Region-Fixer-master\world\region\*.mca
Warning: The region file C:\Users\scsin\Desktop\Minecraft-Region-Fixer-master\world\region\*.mca doesn't exists. Skipping it and scanning the rest.

Welcome to Region Fixer!
(v 0.3.3)
Error: No worlds or region files to scan! Use --help for a complete list of options.


Sorry for the late answer.

This is something that I already knew. There is something wrong with python and windows, the wildcards are not used. I will leave this open so I can check it later.

A fix for this is in master. Thanks for your issue report.