
Bug report scan_chunk

Closed this issue · 2 comments

GEADR commented

Welcome to Region Fixer!
(v 0.3.4)

################# Scanning world: world ##################

World info:

  • 79 region/level files,
  • 34 POI files,
  • 56 entities files,
  • 32 player files,
  • and 5 data files.

-------------------- Checking level.dat --------------------
'level.dat' is readable

---------------- Scanning UUID player files ----------------
32 of 32|########################################################|Time: 0:00:00

------------- Scanning old format player files -------------
Info: No files to scan.

---------- Scanning structures and map data files ----------
5 of 5|##########################################################|Time: 0:00:00

--------- Scanning region, POI and entities files ----------
0 of 169| |ETA: --:--:--

Ops! Something went really wrong and regionfixer crashed.

Bug report:

*** Exception while scanning:
*** r.-1.-1.mca

*** Printing the child's traceback:
*** Exception:<class 'AssertionError'>Unrecognized scanned chunk in scan_chunk().

*** File C:\Users\GEADR\Desktop\MR\MR\regionfixer_core\scan.py, line 810, in scan_region_file
*** chunk, tup = scan_chunk(region_file,**********
*** File C:\Users\GEADR\Desktop\MR\MR\regionfixer_core\scan.py, line 996, in scan_chunk
*** raise AssertionError("Unrecognized scanned chunk in scan_chunk().")

Is it an 1.18 world ? If it is, your issue is a duplicate of issue #170.
You can see 1.18 WIP support in PR #169 ! ^^
Have a nice day !


I have just merged #169 from @734F96. I'm closing this, feel free to open/reopen if you have any problem.