Making it easier to associate gamepad with a goal...
ftctechnh opened this issue · 4 comments
From a software reviewer...
The Gamepads appear to be identified by a 10-digit number. Is there an easy way to map the identification numbers to each Gamepad? If not, it looks like the trial and error method is used to configure the system. Consider having a button press flash something in the settings window so that it is obvious which physical Gamepad is being assigned. Perhaps a simple method for assigning Gamepads is described in the documentation that I haven’t reviewed.
Can we add some visual and auditory cues so that when the user pushes any button on a gamepad during the configuration of the Settings window the user knows which vortex goal the gamepad will be mapped to?
Going back 3 years to when we still used the scoring system with the NXT bricks, that system had a window where all you had to do was press one button to config the joysticks. Could this be mimicked for this program? Have the user select he joystick, and then could press the button that (s)he would want to use to toggle the counter.
I am working on something similar to what was used with the Samantha Modules for association and then just selecting Joystick 1,2,3...
Perhaps an easier approach would be to do something like is currently done with the Driver Station apps?
In the Driver Station app, the player presses "Start + A" to claim gamepad # 1 and "Start + B" to claim gamepad # 2. So perhaps this program could do something similar:
Back + Dpad UP = Claim Red Center
Back + Dpad Right = Claim Red Corner
Back + Dpad Left = Claim Blue Corner
Back + Dpad Down = Claim Blue Center
There are multiple ways to handle the case where one gamepad is controlling two or more counters... but even if the buttons simply served to associate gamepads with id numbers it'd make it a lot easier to set up.
Just a thought,
(P.S.: I chose "Back" as the meta-button here instead of "Start" because Start is also used for start/stop timer, whereas Back is rarely used and does a counter reset. Another possibility is to use the "Guide" button commonly located between Back and Start.)
I will look into doing this