Runtime Error: gtsrcmaps execution failed (Likelihood_Analysis_P8.ipynb)
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I have developed an error in the Likelihood_Analysis_P8.ipynb tutorial under Compute the source maps.
Everything before that point was work well.
In ipython:
from gt_apps import srcMaps
srcMaps['expcube'] = 'data/3C279_ltcube.fits'
srcMaps['cmap'] = 'data/3C279_ccube.fits'
srcMaps['srcmdl'] = '3C279_input_model.xml'
srcMaps['bexpmap'] = 'data/3C279_expcube.fits'
srcMaps['outfile'] = 'data/3C279_srcmaps.fits'
time -p /usr/local/fermisoft/v10r0p5-fssc-20150518A/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-libc2.17/bin/gtsrcmaps scfile= sctable="SC_DATA" expcube=data/3C279_ltcube.fits cmap=data/3C279_ccube.fits srcmdl=3C279_input_model.xml bexpmap=data/3C279_expcube.fits outfile=data/3C279_srcmaps.fits irfs="CALDB" evtype="INDEF" convol=yes resample=yes rfactor=2 minbinsz=0.1 ptsrc=yes psfcorr=yes emapbnds=yes copyall=no chatter=2 clobber=yes debug=no gui=no mode="ql"
Parameter srcmdl: file "3C279_input_model.xml" is not accessible in mode r.
Caught N5hoops12ApeExceptionE at the top level: Exception while querying for file name parameter srcmdl for component gtsrcmaps; Ape exception code 43 (at hoops_ape.cxx: 565)
RuntimeError Traceback (most recent call last)
in ()
----> 1
/usr/local/fermisoft/v10r0p5-fssc-20150518A/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-libc2.17/lib/python/GtApp.pyc in run(self, print_command, catchError, dry_run, **kwds)
70 input.close()
71 output.close()
---> 72 raise RuntimeError, self.appName + " execution failed"
73 input.close()
74 output.close()
RuntimeError: gtsrcmaps execution failed
Hello Telvin,
You need to have the '3C279_input_model.xml' file created. Did you do this in the steps in the notebook?
Hi Jeremy,
Yes I found the step that loads the file. I loaded it and executed and it works.