
Row-wise comparison operations

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Is there a way to do write a row-wise comparison, e.g.

FROM cities
WHERE (state, county, city) > ($1, $2, $3)
ORDER BY state, county, city

This is useful when paging through a table with a cursor that is based on multiple columns. There's a way to do it without row-wise comparisons, but it's a little more complex to write and read.

If there were a way to insert a custom SQL fragment into a larger Mammoth query, that would be a pretty good workaround.

This is my current workaround. Not sure if the Postgres optimizer deals with this well.

// Postgres has row-wise comparison syntax:
//     (a, b, c) > ($1, $2, $3)
// But Mammoth doesn't yet support it.  So this function generates the long version:
//     (a > $1) OR (a = $1 AND (b > $2 OR (b = $2 AND c > $3)))
// Not sure if the Postgres optimizer deals with this well.
export function rowWiseCompare<Columns extends Expression<any, true, string>[]>(
    comparisonFn: ComparisonFn,
    columns: [...Columns],
    values: ColumnValuesT<Columns>,
): DefaultExpression<boolean> {
    // Build it from right to left.
    let i = columns.length - 1;
    let expr = comparisonFn(columns[i], values[i]);
    while (i > 0) {
        expr = comparisonFn(columns[i], values[i]).or(columns[i].eq(values[i]).and(expr));
    return expr;

type ColumnValuesT<Columns extends unknown[]> = {[I in keyof Columns]: Columns[I] extends Expression<infer T, true, string> ? T : never};

export type ComparisonFn = <T>(
    expr: Expression<T, boolean, string>,
    value: T | Expression<T, boolean, any>,
) => DefaultExpression<boolean>;

export const gt: ComparisonFn = (e, v) => e.gt(v);
export const lt: ComparisonFn = (e, v) => e.lt(v);
export const gte: ComparisonFn = (e, v) => e.gte(v);
export const lte: ComparisonFn = (e, v) => e.lte(v);

You can use raw nowadays to insert custom SQL. So you can also use this to do a row-wise compare:

      .where(raw`(name, value)`.gt(raw`(${'Test'}, ${123})`));

It's not the best but at least it's better than the whole dance to create a custom rowWiseCompare. Maybe at some point we can have a specific group() in Mammoth to do these row-wise operations.