
Support empty strings for DEFAULT

Closed this issue · 2 comments


I would like to be able to set an empty string as default value:

export const someTable = defineTable({
  id: uuid().primaryKey(),
  name: characterVarying().notNull().default(''),

This currently generates the following invalid SQL (found it through logging):

"CREATE TABLE some_table (
  id uuid PRIMARY KEY,
  name character varying NOT NULL DEFAULT 

which is invalid SQL (it should be NOT NULL DEFAULT '') and it throws a Error: syntax error at or near ")".

Yea this isn't all too clear yet. You have to provide a raw SQL string e.g. .default("''"). Can you confirm this works?

Assuming this is the case. In a future version you probably need to do something like .default(new RawSql(..)) so it's a bit more explicit and strings should be wrapped (not sure if a parameter can be used).