
Possible conflict between trapped chests and randomized worldgen

Opened this issue · 2 comments

I have recently been playing with both these flags on, using pregen maps with shuffled access requirements but no unsafe starts for worldgen and max number of trapped chests with local formation encounters (with the intent to replace random dungeon encounters with them to make archipelago games more interesting), and most of the attempts so far ended up with seeds that forced me to dip cardia island locations in the early game or even around corneria (with my latest attempt having them as the ONLY location I could access to begin with), and while the overworld encounters around them were properly scaled (imps, wolves, and the occasional madpony), the chests themselves still ended up pulling from the cardia islands encounters, making them actually unsafe to dip that early on unless tediously grinding low-level encounters to hit level 10+ in order to even survive, and then going back to resurrect multiple casualties after each chest until finding the key item I needed to leave.

I'm not sure whether this is a fault of trapped chests pulling from the wrong location, overworld generation not accounting for trapped chests in otherwise assumed safe locations, or maybe user error in using pregens with these flags, but I felt this was worth bringing up in case it's possible to solve it, or at the very least warn about the possible risk on the randomizer page?

i'm not sure there's a good solution, local formation assumes that cardias are accessible mid-game and procgenow assume that cardia is safe (it can also be an issue with hall of dragons), i don't know if procgenow is able to push cardia later (or how complex it would be) and miab doesn't really have the mean to know what's in the starting area.

i'd suggest to just exclude key items from trapped chests, that way you can still progress, but that's probably not ideal for what you're trying to achieve (and it would probably not work with AP).

Gotcha, and yeah archipelago doesn't care about incentive chests, so I'll just be turning trapped chests off for the time being.

Maybe a new flag on procgenow to artificially push cardia to be later could work as a stopgap solution?