Milestone: Feed/Offer-Request Card
devarshjoshi opened this issue · 2 comments
Feed UI:
Please note: The "Offer" text, "medical supplies" tag, and username and icon are not clickable/actionable for the MVP.
Given: Loads the feed
When: they are on the feed page
then: they will see a card with offer/request information
Given I am on the feed page
when I click on "view more" on the page
then I should see more text on the feed for the post.
when I click on the "heart" icon
then the heart should be highlighted
when I click on the heart icon again
then the heart should be "un highlighted"
when I click on the comment icon
then -> link to comment feed ui milestone
When I click on the share icon (paper plane)
then I will see a system share screen
@OnyekachiSamuel the "Milestone" Parent element should not be worked on by the developers, its for reference only.
@devarshjoshi after how long will the text cut off.