
[Bug] Stops working if I change browser tab and then return to the tab with the page I want translated.

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Steps To Reproduce

  1. Go to and configure the addon to translate the page from Russian to English.
  2. Scroll the page a little and note that things are being translated as they're loaded.
  3. Open another browser tab and load a random website, like for example.
  4. Return to the tab containing and resume scrolling the page, note that newly loaded contents are no longer being translated.

Expected Result

The contents of the webpage that is supposed to be translated by this addon should continue to be translated as the page elements are loaded/page is scrolled.

Actual Result

Contents of the website that the addon should be translating, stops being translated until I refresh the page (F5),

Screenshots or Videos

No response

Additional Context

No response

Operating System


Operating System Version

Windows 10 21H2

Web Browser


Browser Version


Extension Version and several older versions

What are you doing?

  • I am reporting a bug

Hmmm, this is potentially caused by

Edit: Definitely seems to be the cause.