
Any options for iOS clients?

wpcarro opened this issue · 3 comments

Any options for iOS clients?

There's no iOS client I know of. For what it's worth, I use passage -q to generate a QR code, scan it with the iOS camera, and copy the text. Apps stay logged in for long enough with Face ID that this ends up working for me.

Is there any change to fund development of an iOS client? I'm currently using pass with Pass - Password Store. Would love to switch to passage :)

Brixy commented

I use Pass for iOS and this little bash script—derived from passage’s README:

It is far from optimal, and I would like to get rid of GPG; but it works fine.

#! /usr/bin/bash
cd "${PASSAGE_DIR:-$HOME/.passage/store}"
while read -r -d "" passfile; do
	[[ -f "${PASSWORD_STORE_DIR:-$HOME/.password-store}/$name.gpg" ]] && continue
	passage "$name" | pass insert -m "$name" || {
		pass rm "$name"
done < <(find . -path '*/.git' -prune -o -iname '*.age' -print0)
cd ~/.password-store/
git push

edit: The script converts secrets from passage the pass and pushes them to a repository for Pass for iOS.

Therefore, I use Pass for iOS ‘read only’.

From time to time a delete all secrets from .password-store/ and run the script to regenerate all pass secrets to ensure the list of secrets is complete.

This way I can use passage exclusively on my local computer.