
Repository for shared react components build atop of Origami and maintained by the C&M team

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Coverage Status CircleCI

Repository for shared React components build atop of Origami and maintained by the C&M team


  • Button
  • Header (with Navigation and ClientNavigation inside)
  • Layout
  • Footer


In order to install cm-react-components you can run one of the following commands on the package.json's level inside your React project.

npm install --save git+https://github.com/Financial-Times/cm-react-components.git


yarn add git+https://github.com/Financial-Times/cm-react-components.git


These shared components should be named imports, e.g:

import { Button } from 'cm-react-components' inside the file your want to use this component.

Every component has variation of props which can be passed to it, some of them for visual purposes and some of them for functional:

  • Button
    • id (string) - id which would be attached to the DOM button element
    • disabled (boolean) - if this props is passed, the button would be disabled and it cannot be clicked
    • onClick (function) - a callback function which would handle the click of the button
    • title (string) - title which would be attached to the DOM button element
    • className (string) - an additional class name can be passed from the parent and styles of this class would be applied to the button
    • primary (boolean) - this is an origami prop which would append origami's primary classname to the button
    • secondary (boolean) - this is an origami prop which would append origami's secondary classname to the button
    • inverse (boolean) - this is an origami prop which would append origami's inverse classname to the button
    • big (boolean) - this is an origami prop which would append origami's big classname to the button
    • mono (boolean) - this is an origami prop which would append origami's mono classname to the button
    • b2c (boolean) - this is an origami prop which would append origami's b2c classname to the button
    • children (string/node) - children could be passed to the button in order to fill the content inside it
    • icon (string) - this is an origami prop which would append origami's icon classname to the button. If no children prop is passed, it would also append icon-only classname (see link below for all available icons)

For more information about Origami's button class names visit the official documentation of Origami buttons components.

  • Header The header is a component which contains also Navigation and ClientNavigation components. Header should be wrapped around <BrowserRouter>, otherwise it would not work.

    • renderProp (function) - a function which should return the Child component inside every li of the Navigation, e.g: NavLink or Link from react-router-dom or Link from gatsby-link

    • title (string) - the title of the application for example which would be rendered inside the header

    • name (string) - If we have secondary navigation (ClientNavigation) this is used for visualizing the name of the client/user which uses the secondary navigation. This prop goes with the next one id

    • id (string) - If we have secondary navigation (ClientNavigation) this is used for navigating to the different client routes with this id. Used with the previous prop name

    • mainMenuData (array) - an array of objects which contains the different application routes for the main navigation (MainNavigation), e.g.:

          label: 'Main route label',
          url: '/main-route'
          label: 'Main route label 2',
          url: '/main-route-2'
    • secondaryMenuData (array) - an array of objects which contains the different application routes for the secondary navigation (SecondaryNavigation), e.g.:

          label: 'Secondary route label',
          url: '/secondary-route'
          label: 'Secondary route label 2',
          url: '/secondary-route-2'
    • clientMenuData (array) - an array of objects which contains the different application routes for the client navigation (ClientNavigation), e.g.:

          label: 'Client route label',
          url: '/client-route'
          label: 'Client route label 2',
          url: '/client-route-2'
  • Layout

    • children (string/node) - the components rendered inside the Layout
  • Layout.Main

    • children (string/node) - the components rendered inside the Layout.Main
  • Footer

    • link (array) - an array of objects which contain the different links rendered inside the footer, e.g:

          link: 'http://link-number-1.com/',
          text: 'Text for link #1'
          label: 'http://link-number-2.com/',
          text: 'Text for link #2'
  • CheckInput

    • isToggle (boolean) - if this prop is passed the origami's checkbox is rendered as a toggle button
    • className (string) - an additional class name can be passed from the parent and styles of this class would be applied to the checkbox
    • small (boolean) - this is an origami prop which would append origami's small classname to the checkbox
    • disabled (boolean) - if this prop is passed, the checkbox would be disabled and it cannot be checked/unchecked
    • checked (boolean) - a prop which indicates the value of the checkbox - checked/unchecked
    • onChange (function) - a callback function which would handle the change of the checkbox
    • label (string) - a label which would be rendered next to the checkbox

For more information about Origami's checkbox class names visit the official documentation of Origami checkbox components.

  • FormsField
    • children (string/node) - children passed to the FormsField in order to render a form field inside the wrapper
    • containerTag (string) - One of label or div - the wrapper tag used for FormsField component
    • title (string) - if it is passed a title with titlePromp and titleProps is rendered before the form field
    • titlePrompt (string/node) - additional text rendered under the title - in order the prompt to be rendered, title should be passed
    • titleProps (object) - additional title props which could be passed for the title (verticalCenter, shrink)
    • className (string) - an additional class name can be passed from the parent and styles of this class would be applied to the FormsField
    • inline (boolean) - this is an origami prop which would append origami's inline classname to the FormsField
    • optional (boolean) - this is an origami prop which would append origami's optional classname to the FormsField
    • inverse (boolean) - this is an origami prop which would append origami's inverse classname to the FormsField

For more information about Origami's additional class names visit the official documentation of Origami forms components.

  • RadioInput
    • className (string) - an additional class name can be passed from the parent and styles of this class would be applied to the RadioInput

    • small (boolean) - this is an origami prop which would append origami's small classname to the RadioInput

    • inline (boolean) - this is an origami prop which would append origami's inline classname to the RadioInput

    • disabled (boolean) - if this prop is passed, the RadioInput would be disabled and it cannot be checked/unchecked

    • isRounded (boolean) - if this prop is passed the origami's RadioInput is rendered rounded

    • options (array) - an array of objects with different options for the radio button, e.g:

          name: 'Option 1',
          value: 'option1'
          label: 'Option 2',
          url: 'option2'
    • name (string) - a name attribute of the radio inputs

    • onChange (function) - a callback function which would handle the change of the RadioInput

    • selectedValue (string) - the current selected value of all options

For more information about Origami's radio input class names visit the official documentation of Origami forms components.

  • SelectBox
    • className (string) - an additional class name can be passed from the parent and styles of this class would be applied to the SelectBox

    • small (boolean) - this is an origami prop which would append origami's small classname to the SelectBox

    • hasError (boolean) - indicates if the SelectBox has an error and shows the errorMessage

    • errorMessage (string) - if hasError is true, then this message is shown

    • primary (boolean) - this is an origami prop which would append origami's primary classname to the SelectBox

    • isTouched (boolean) - indicates if the SelectBox has been touched or not

    • disabled (boolean) - if this prop is passed, the SelectBox would be disabled and it options cannot be selected

    • selectedValue (string) - the current selected value of all options

    • onChange (function) - a callback function which would handle the change of the SelectBox

    • placeholderOptions (object) - object which contains the placeholder's value and name, which are needed a option as a placeholder to be rendered

    • options (array) - an array of objects containing the options which are rendered inside the SelectBox, e.g.:

          name: 'Option 1',
          value: 'option1',
          id: 'id1',
          type: 'type1',
          disabled: true
          name: 'Option 2',
          value: 'option2',
          id: 'id2',
          type: 'type2',
          disabled: false

For more information about Origami's select box class names visit the official documentation of Origami forms components.

  • TextInput
    • className (string) - an additional class name can be passed from the parent and styles of this class would be applied to the TextInput
    • small (boolean) - this is an origami prop which would append origami's small classname to the TextInput
    • disabled (boolean) - if this prop is passed, the TextInput would be disabled and it cannot be checked/unchecked
    • inputType (string) - the type of the input (default value is text), one of text, password, email, number, textarea
    • onChange (function) - a callback function which would handle the change of the TextInput
    • onChange (function) - a callback function which would handle the blur of the TextInput
    • onBlur (function) - a callback function which would handle the keyDown event of the TextInput
    • hasError (boolean) - indicates if the TextInput has an error and shows the errorMessage
    • errorMessage (string) - if hasError is true, then this message is shown
    • isTouched (boolean) - indicates if the TextInput has been touched or not
    • rows - (number) - the rows count in case the inputType is textarea (defaults to 4)

For more information about Origami's text input/area class names visit the official documentation of Origami forms components.

  • Tooltip
    • useTooltip hook should be imported as well
  1. Tooltip should be used with parent container with class with-tooltip and parentContainerRef should be passed to useTooltip hook in order to be correctly vertical positioned, e.g:

    <div ref={parentContainerRef} className="with-tooltip">
      <button ref={elementRef} onClick={clickHandler}>Tooltip</Button>
      <Tooltip />
  2. elementRef (see example above) should be passed to useTooltip hook in order Tooltip to be correctly horizontal positioned

  3. If the "tooltiped" element (button in the example above) is a react component then it should be transformed to forwardRef (see Button.jsx)

  • Tooltip props

    • isVisible (bool) - indicates if Tooltip is visible or not (returned from useTooltip)
    • top (number) - top position of the Tooltip (returned from useTooltip)
    • left (number) - left position of the Tooltip (returned from useTooltip)
    • children (string/node) - content rendered inside the Tooltip
    • close (function) - a callback used for closing the Tooltip (returned from useTooltip)
  • useTooltip receives 3 arguments

    • initialState (bool) - the initial visual state of the Tooltip
    • containerRef (ref) - a ref to the container of the tooltip (it should have class with-tooltip)
    • elementRef (ref) - a ref to the element which shows the Tooltip
  • and returns:

    • isVisible (bool) - visual state of the Tooltip
    • top (number) - top position of the Tooltip
    • left (number) - left position of the Tooltip
    • hideTooltip (func) - a callback used to close the Tooltip
    • showTooltip (func) - a callback used to open the Tooltip
  • Loader

    • size (string) - one of the following strings ('mini', 'small', 'medium', 'large', 'extra-large') - specifies size of the Loader
    • theme (string) - one of the following string ('dark', 'light') - specifies the theme/color of the loader
  • LoaderScreen - renders a screen with dark themed extra large Loader in the center

  • Bubble A wrapper of the so called Bubbles in Combined content search

    • primary (bool) - if it is true, a primary class is appended (similar to Origami's approach)
    • filter (bool) - if the Bubble wrapper is going to be used as FilterBubble or PreviewBubble
    • children (string/node) - children could be passed to the Bubble in order to fill the content inside it
  • FilterBubble A Bubble with SelectBox and CustomAutocomplete/TextInput

    • value (string) - the current value of the TextInput
    • onChange (func) - the change handler for the TextInput
    • initialInputValue (string) - initial value of the TextInput
    • dropdownOptions (array) - options for the SelectBox
    • autocompleteId (string/number) - an id for the CustomAutocomplete
    • autocompleteOptions (array) - the options for the CustomAutocomplete
    • autocompleteFinish (func) - a callback invoked on CustomAutocomplete finish
    • autocompleteChange (func) - a callback invoked on CustomAutocomplete change
  • LogicFilterBubble A Bubble with logic buttons inside it - AND/OR, Add, Insert, Delete

    • expressionValue (object) - object containing id and logic of the current expression
    • onChange (func) - change handler for the RadioInput (AND/OR filter)
    • addNewFilter (func) - a callback invoked on "Add new filter" button click
    • deleteExpression (func) - a callback invoked on "Delete group" button click
    • insertExpression (func) - a callback invoked on "Insert" button click
    • className (string) - an additional class name can be passed from the parent and styles of this class would be applied to the LogicFilterBubble
  • PreviewBubble A Bubble which is just showing the concept type and the concept and optionally Edit/Show similar concepts/Delete button

    • type (string) - the concept type
    • value (string) - the concept value
    • primary (bool) - if the Bubble wrapper should be primary or not
    • actions (object) - object with actions callbacks edit and delete for t
    • children (string/node)
    • narrower (array) - an array with narrower concepts to show in SimilarConcept tooltip
    • related (array) - an array with related concepts to show in SimilarConcept tooltip
    • onConceptClick (func) - a callback invoked on Similar concept click
  • Hint

    • className (string) - an additional class name can be passed from the parent and styles of this class would be applied to the Hint
    • children (string/node) - children could be passed to the Hint in order to fill the content inside it
  • HintConcepts A Hint with info about the different concept types

  • HintLogicGroup A Hint with info about the different operations

  • ExpressionGroup

    • expression (object) - an expression/query rendered into this ExpressionGroup using the different Bubbles, e.g:
        id: 1,
        type: 'expression',
        logic: 'and',
        operands: []
    • onChange (func) - a callback invoked on change of concept type
    • isFirst (bool) - indicates if the ExpressionGroup is first of its kind
    • currentId (number) - the current id used in the different ExpressionGroups
    • increaseId (func) - a callback invoked to increase the currentId
    • dropdownOptions (array) - dropdown options used inside FilterBubble
    • withHint (bool) - indicates if the ExpressionGroup should have hint for using
  • PreviewFilterExpression Renders an expression in preview mode

    • expression (object) - an expression/query rendered into this ExpressionGroup using PreviewBubble, e.g:
        id: 1,
        type: 'expression',
        logic: 'and',
        operands: []
  • Teaser

    • className (string) - an additional class name can be passed from the parent and styles of this class would be applied to the Teaser
    • imageSrc (string) - the source of the image rendered inside the Teaser
    • topic (string) - the topic rendered inside the Teaser
    • heading (string) - the heading rendered inside the Teaser
    • content (string) - the content rendered inside the Teaser
    • linkUrl (string) - if linkUrl is passed the whole teaser is rendered as link and leads to the actual article in ft.com
  • ArticlesTeasers

    • date (string) - a date rendered to every group of articles
    • articles (array) - the articles rendered in this group
  • TimePeriod

    • isEditable (bool) - if the time filter is editable or in preview mode
    • from (number/string) - the start date of the period
    • to (number/string) - the end date of the period
    • onChange (func) - a callback invoked on change of the period
    • embargoPeriod (bool) - indicates if embargoPeriod checkbox is checked
    • setEmbargoPeriod (func) - a change handler for the embargoPeriod checkbox
  • FeedPreview

    • expression (object) - an expression/query rendered into this ExpressionGroup using PreviewBubble, e.g:
        id: 1,
        type: 'expression',
        logic: 'and',
        operands: []
    • feed (object) - an object with period and items properties used to render the feed
    • isLoading (bool) - indicates if the feed is still loading
    • returnToBuilder (func) - a callback invoked on Return to Buidler button click
  • useInput hook for managing text inputs, receives:

    • initialValue (string) - the initial value of the input
    • validator (func) - a callback used to validating the input on change
  • and returns:

    • value (string) - the current value of the input
    • onChange (func) - the change handler of the input
    • hasError (bool) - indicates if the input has error (if validator is passed)
    • isTouched (bool) - indicates if the input has been touched
  • useExpression hook for managing expressions/queries, receives:

    • initialExpression (object) - an initial expression/query, e.g:
        id: 1,
        type: 'expression',
        logic: 'and',
        operands: []
    • onChangeCallback (func) - a callback invoked on change of the expression/query
    • currentId (number) - the currentId of all expressions
    • increaseId (func) - a callback invoked to increase the currentId after a new expression is created
  • and returns:

    • expression (object) - the new expression/query
    • changeExpression (func) - a callback used for updating the expression/query
    • changeType (func) - a callback invoked on changing the Logic filter of an expression
    • changeFilters (func) - a callback invoked on changing the filters
    • insertExpression (func) - a callback invoked on inserting an expression
    • deleteExpression (func) - a callback invoked on deletion of an expression
    • toggleFilterEditMode (func) - a callback for toggling editMode of a filter
    • changeConceptType (func) - a callback invoked for changing the concept type
    • changeConcept (func) - a callback invoked for changing the concept
    • requestConcepts (func) - a callback for requesting concepts