
Service serving requests made towards suggestions umbrella

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


Circle CI Go Report Card Coverage Status


Provides annotation suggestions aggregated from multiple sources


Download the source code, dependencies and test dependencies:

    go get github.com/Financial-Times/public-suggestions-api
    cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/Financial-Times/public-suggestions-api
    go build .

Running locally

  1. Run the tests and install the binary:

     go test -v -race ./...
     go install
  2. Run the binary (using the help flag to see the available optional arguments):

     $GOPATH/bin/public-suggestions-api [--help]


              --app-system-code                      System Code of the application (env $APP_SYSTEM_CODE) (default "public-suggestions-api")
              --app-name                             Application name (env $APP_NAME) (default "public-suggestions-api")
              --port                                 Port to listen on (env $APP_PORT) (default "8080")
              --authors-suggestion-api-base-url      The base URL to authors suggestion api (env $AUTHORS_SUGGESTION_API_BASE_URL) (default "http://authors-suggestion-api:8080")
              --authors-suggestion-endpoint          The endpoint for authors suggestion api (env $AUTHORS_SUGGESTION_ENDPOINT) (default "/content/suggest/authors")
              --ontotext-suggestion-api-base-url     The base URL to ontotext suggestion api (env $ONTOTEXT_SUGGESTION_API_BASE_URL) (default "http://ontotext-suggestion-api:8080")
              --ontotext-suggestion-endpoint         The endpoint for ontotext suggestion api (env $ONTOTEXT_SUGGESTION_ENDPOINT) (default "/content/suggest/ontotext")
              --internal-concordances-api-base-url   The base URL for internal concordances api (env $CONCEPT_CONCORDANCES_API_BASE_URL) (default "http://internal-concordances:8080")
              --internal-concordances-endpoint       The endpoint for internal concordances api (env $CONCEPT_CONCORDANCES_ENDPOINT) (default "/internalconcordances")
              --public-things-api-base-url           The base URL for public things api (env $PUBLIC_THINGS_API_BASE_URL) (default "http://public-things-api:8080")
              --public-things-endpoint               The endpoint for public things api (env $PUBLIC_THINGS_ENDPOINT) (default "/things")
              --concept-blacklister-base-url         The base URL for concept suggester blacklister (env $CONCEPT_BLACKLISTER_BASE_URL) (default "http://concept-suggestions-blacklister:8080")
              --concept-blacklister-endpoint         The endpoint for concept suggester blacklister (env $CONCEPT_BLACKLISTER_ENDPOINT) (default "/blacklist")          
  1. Test:

    Using curl:

         curl -d '{"bodyXML":"content"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost:8080/content/suggest | json_pp

Build and deployment

Service endpoints

If you want to view a more comprehensive list of the endpoints available for this service check out api.yml.


  • /content/suggest Using curl:

    curl -d '{"title":"tile", "byline": "byline", "bodyXML":"content"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost:8080/content/suggest | json_pp


Admin endpoints are:




