
Fine Uploader is shutting down

rnicholus opened this issue · 0 comments

After almost 7 years of developing and maintaining this project, I've decided that it's time to archive this (and all other) repositories in the Fine Uploader organization and effectively shut down the project.

I've decided to do this for a number of reasons, here are a few:

  1. I no longer have any use for an enterprise-class JS upload library like Fine Uploader in my personal life or in any work projects.
  2. I lack the motivation to continue to contribute to this project.
  3. I lack the free time at this point in my life to continue to maintain and develop a project of this scale, and the codebase has languished for a little while already.
  4. I've grown tired of continuously defending my inactivity and decisions against trolls on Twitter, the issue tracker, and elsewhere. It's draining and I don't have the patience or energy to deal with it any longer. These same people expect to impose their short-sighted and non-generalized values and goals on a project for which they have contributed nothing and are not willing to maintain. The sense of entitlement from a small but vocal minority that do not understand FOSS and refuse to understand it is very much a concern, and I'm simply not interested in shrugging that off anymore.
  5. There isn't sufficient momentum behind this project any longer, as such I haven't been able to find the appropriate dedication from the community to not only continue developing this library, but to maintain it going forward.
  6. The first incarnation of this codebase is almost 9 years old, and the last major refactor/rewrite was ~5 years ago. That's an eternity in frontend code years. The amount of time required to bring the codebase back up to speed and adjust the mistakes I made years ago as a new frontend developer are simply not possible, due to time and motivation constraints.

I'm going to archive the project shortly, but anyone, of course, is free to fork it and do whatever they please, as this repo will still be available, albeit in read-only mode. I've also locked this issue, as I'm not soliciting input. I've created this for transparency purposes.

For everyone that has helped out on this long journey, I appreciate your efforts, and I hope you understand that it's time for this project to fade off into the sunset. Fine Uploader was my first opportunity to develop something meaningful on the frontend, and I've been able to grow tremendously as a developer as a result. I know Fine Uploader has been an important attribute of many applications, and I'm glad I was able to be a part of that.