Multiple Instance of react-fine-uploader in same file is not working
nisargrthakkar opened this issue · 4 comments
nisargrthakkar commented
Define react-fine-uploader in common component and then use that common component 2 times in our react code base.
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import FineUploaderTraditional from 'fine-uploader-wrappers';
import Gallery from 'react-fine-uploader';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
const fileuploadApi = 'http://localhost:3000/api/fileupload';
const intAllowedExtensions = ['jpeg', 'jpg', 'gif', 'png', 'doc', 'docx', 'bmp', 'tif', 'pdf', 'xls', 'xlsx', 'odt'];
const intUploadFolderFlag = 0;
const initMultiple = false;
const intItemLimit = 1;
let uploader;
class UploadComponent extends Component {
constructor(props) {
const { allowedExtensions, uploadFolderFlag, multiple, itemLimit } = this.props;
uploader = new FineUploaderTraditional({
options: {
debug: true,
multiple: multiple || initMultiple,
validation: {
itemLimit: itemLimit || intItemLimit,
allowedExtensions: allowedExtensions || intAllowedExtensions,
chunking: {
enabled: true,
mandatory: true,
concurrent: {
enabled: true,
deleteFile: {
enabled: true,
endpoint: `${fileuploadApi}/uploads/${uploadFolderFlag}`,
request: {
endpoint: `${fileuploadApi}/uploads`,
params: {
orderItem: 'orderItem',
uploadFolderFlag: uploadFolderFlag || intUploadFolderFlag,
formatFileName: () => {
return { orderItem: 'newfileItem' };
retry: {
enableAuto: true,
static propTypes = {
multiple: PropTypes.bool,
uploadFolderFlag: PropTypes.number,
itemLimit: PropTypes.number,
onComplete: PropTypes.func,
onDeleteComplete: PropTypes.func,
onValidate: PropTypes.func,
onError: PropTypes.func,
allowedExtensions: PropTypes.array,
componentDidMount() {
const { onComplete, onDeleteComplete, onValidate, onError } = this.props;
uploader.on('complete', (id, name, response) =>onComplete(id, name, response));
uploader.on('deleteComplete', (id, xhr, isError) => onDeleteComplete(id, xhr, isError));
uploader.on('validate', data => onValidate(data));
uploader.on('error', (id, name, errorReason, xhr) => onError(id, name, errorReason, xhr));
render() {
return (
<Gallery dropzone-disabled="true uploader={uploader} />
export default UploadComponent;
Use that in other files like follow
onValidate={(data) => { }}
onComplete={(_id, _name, response) => { }}
onDeleteComplete={(id, xhr, isError) => { }}
onError={(id, name, errorReason, xhr) => { }}
onValidate={(data) => { }}
onComplete={(_id, _name, response) => { }}
onDeleteComplete={(id, xhr, isError) => { }}
onError={(id, name, errorReason, xhr) => { }}
rnicholus commented
and...? what is the issue? why is this causing a problem?
nisargrthakkar commented
I think its don't understand between two different components. We try key, namespace, id, class but same things are happening
rnicholus commented
sorry, no idea what the problem is.
nisargrthakkar commented
Its still happening. I shared my code please check it.
when I upload file in one components then its uploaded on other components.