
Tested with Python 3.x;

others interpreter versions may not run the code correctly

This zip file contains:

  • a folder "Animations" containing animations to run on matlab using the "movie(x,10,1)" command after importing files to its workspace.
  • a src folder containing python source codes.
  • this read me! file.

Code organization:

the code is split into 2 modules,

  • containing major functions
    • read/write data to files
    • calculate distances
    • generate random data
    • calculate center of gravity
    • calculate quality indexes
    • writing m-files: for 2D and 3D data sets (to plot IRIS DATA modify the function as described in its comments)
  • The other is a main app for test cases:

there are two folders in the "src" folder:

  • src/runs: containing Matlab plotters (for 2D & 3D plots) runnable m-files (generated with python code inout.write_matlab())
  • src/data: containing data (observations and clusters and python outputted results)

The main application offers many options:

0- using an existing data file or generate a random set of data 1- predefine k number of clusters 2- apply or not the stop condition of the algorithm 3- the distance type (euclidian or manhattan)

all this in an interactive manner!