
.mid import does not treat note 103 in songs with no 116 notes as Star Power

TheNathannator opened this issue · 3 comments

Older customs made for Guitar Hero 1, 2, or 80's will get their Star Power phrases incorrectly imported as solo events due to this.

Not sure how cleanly this can be fixed in the current system, would be easy to hack in a list to hold 103 note events temporarily until a 116 is found or the end of the song is reached but that's obviously not the best solution lol

Regardless, I'll give it a shot and see what I can come up with

Problem arises when a chart is made using only solo events but no starpower. Super super edge case and unlikely, but theoretically possible. Ideally should provide a popup to the user when this is detected to ask them to import is as a legacy chart.

Yeah that's probably the best solution. It'll take a while to wrap my head around all of the chart parsing code, so I might tackle some smaller issues I see instead.